rooster attacked my mother in law

LOL I read the headline and had my "send him to freezer camp" mean rooster response all ready to go... But I'm with the OP on this one, that big guy deserves a permanent place in the coop
I love roosters like that! I too made the MISTAKE of moving my mil and fil into a mobile home on our farm - they were dying and they would never get to see their son again.....well, long story short - it has been ten YEARS and five months since that move - they brought their 65 year old daughter with them who is just too lazy and has never had a job (she lives on the social security money from her late husband) and when their 62 year old son found the digs were free, he decided to move into the mobile home too. My rooster decided he did not like my-at the time-92 year old fil snooping around in the chicken barn and would hide around the corners to attack him. It resulted in lazy bil calling me up on the phone - they live just across the driveway within fifty yards from my house - and he cussed me out and told me how he was going to kill my ******* chickens because they attacked his dad......yes, the problem there? We have had some mean and vicious go-rounds with my husband not really backing me up because he doesn't want to hurt his now 96 year old dad's feelings.... I have gone so far as calling a lawyer to get my rights and threatened a restraining order against bil. They now know to stay the heck out of my barns!!!!!
Chickens are very smart!
Yes, roosters are the ticket! I'm glad my husband has no compunction to spare any feelings, it's all black and white with him, you are either right or you're wrong. It's interesting but my first thought was your fil was filching eggs, or trying too? I know the rooster and hens watch me when I go in there and I have to hide the eggs I take, they know what I'm up to, maybe that was the start of it all...although I was sooo excited because one hen is off and on again about laying and she'd layed her egg too. (I do distract them by giving them more food in a bowl, so maybe that day I didn't, subconsciously)
The roo was really out of sorts, but it still makes me smile....
Don't ya just love roosters now. My sister came over with my two nephews and the youngest , the spoiled one, decided to start throw sticks at my roo. I told him to stop and get away from then chickens , he looks at me and opens the gate and goes into the fenced area and starts trying to kick a hen. My rooster runs up and flogs the crap out of the brat and doesn't stop until I break them up. My dear sis asks what happened and I tell her that birdbrain started a fight . She says" the rooster?" I said" no, your birdbrained boy!" Hee, hee, hee. I love my rooster.
My mother is afraid of birds - I mean clinically nuts - afraid of birds. She is deathly afraid of my rooster. DH wants to buy an emu or an ostrich!

I have always said animals are a terrific judge of character!
Blackbeak, the resident rooster a'hole, just bought himself more time this weekend.

We went to a Chickenstock Sat. morning and ended up staying longer than expected. MIL came to visit a bit earlier than expected. We told her to go in the house and wait till we got home. We came home to find her in the car. "I was walking towards the house and this rooster came up and attacked me!" My celebratory response was involuntary, I promise!

Just goes to show you that if you don't talk to your son very often, you miss out on important details like, "Hey, mom, we have an attack rooster!"

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