rooster attacked my mother in law

Achickenwrangler#1 :

So she wanted to see the hen house, and walked over with me while I collected the eggs for the day. I use deep litter straw and pine chips, and am quite proud of the fact that my husband built it predator proof out of rough cut poplar (yes, it is tight) So mother dear stands at the door and says, that's a snake pit...I'm like, ticked off, but all I say is - there are no snakes in here as I walk in barefeet. (maybe some chicken poop but that's it)
So I thought it alittle odd that the rooster followed us all the way to the house, but sometimes they all do, since I give them a handout once in a while, I put the eggs in the house while she decides to walk up the hill to the 'guest' house (forgoing the rock steps that I hammered in this spring with a rock hound hammer and trowel) which everyone else is suitably impressed with - outside I hear a scrream...
Your rooster attacked me! She says...clawed me and everything...confirmed it with my husband,,,(wished I had brought a treat) wow, I said, what did you do? Nothing, she husband said - she crowed at it...
Why on earth did you crow at him?
Seems he crowed at her so she crowed back.
Well honey if you want to play rooster games you better grow some spurs, that rooster just won his place as never to be eaten, I always give him a special treat at lockdown time now..hahahahaha

...not understanding that there is a problem here.....
I was wondering if ya all would relate, and I was right! God does have a sense of humour..
Yeah, clinically nuts, this woman will not eat chickens, because in depression days her mother fed the family her 'pet' chicken. Ok, I get it, but get over it. I have two chicks in the house right now (a gift from a neighbbor) and I asked her if she wanted to see them..."oh yes, I love chickens" So I actually let her hold one, watching her like a the next breath she says "I hate chickens", oh brother, why? cause I had to pick the feathers when we killed them....once again, I get it, but get over it, this happened like 70 years ago and you had to survive didn't you? Life on a farm....
She constantly embarrases my sil (who brought her up here - see- poetic justice) by saying things she really shouldn't in public....he laughed so hard after the roo attack, and now when she walks outside yells - look out for the rooster.
She has been so polite to me now, I think she believes I somehow made the rooster do telepathy or something, and speaking of birdbrain (what a great adjective) she actually was a 'rocket scientist" seriously. it's a huge family joke, somehow, I've got to attach birdbrain to rocket scientist. like, it would take a rocket scientist or a birdbrain to crow at a strange rooster.

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