Rooster Attacking


In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2022
Hi all!
I have an 8 month old Barred Rock Rooster who has been great up until this weekend… We went away and I had my parents come and look after the animals.
He was attacking them when they let him out of the coop in the mornings and would threaten if they went into the runs to feed.
Since I’ve been back he hasn’t done anything with me, has been completely normal.
He has met them numerous times as they have house sat quite a bit, so any ideas as to why he would do this with someone else and not me?
Everyone whom deals with a flock EXCEPT the regular handler is seen as a challenger..kicking running ect only adds to the aggression. If he is a rooster you want to keep, for whatever reason...Meet it head on..the rooster will need to be Grabbed when attacking .yes easier said than done.. I usually grab them up.and then cover their face and beak with my hand while holding them under my arm. while saying NO..much like reprimanding a child or dog..Be sure to keep his face covered. Or he will try and peck..I walk around with him for 5 or 10 minutes then set him down..this must be done several times a day.til he learns who is dominate..if this is not an option..then in the pot he goes..a large rooster can injure a small child ..whose eyes are vulnerable. Or elderly whose skin is thin...
Everyone whom deals with a flock EXCEPT the regular handler is seen as a challenger..kicking running ect only adds to the aggression. If he is a rooster you want to keep, for whatever reason...Meet it head on..the rooster will need to be Grabbed when attacking .yes easier said than done.. I usually grab them up.and then cover their face and beak with my hand while holding them under my arm. while saying NO..much like reprimanding a child or dog..Be sure to keep his face covered. Or he will try and peck..I walk around with him for 5 or 10 minutes then set him down..this must be done several times a day.til he learns who is dominate..if this is not an option..then in the pot he goes..a large rooster can injure a small child ..whose eyes are vulnerable. Or elderly whose skin is thin...
I’ll give it a go next time he tries it! Thanks for the suggestion. He’s a nice looking bird so would be good to keep
There are so many excellent roosters who are butchered because they are unwanted that there's very little reason to put a lot of time and effort into "taming" an aggressive male. Especially when aggression is very often a heritable trait.
Definitely agree. I was just hoping possibly a bit hormonal and his first spring with hens (in New Zealand) he hasn’t connected with me yet but he fluffs up and flies as to threaten me. He did connect with my parents though.

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