rooster check?


12 Years
May 21, 2011
Oregon (Northwest, Clackamas County)
Owning roos is illegal in my city... we've got 4 peeps about 10 weeks old. Can any of you please assure us we don't have a secret roo? I saw another thread about a dark brahma turned roo so we're a bit concerned.

MACADAMIA (dark brahma) with almond (silver laced wyandotte) cut off on the right:

FILBERT (americauna)
(this was actually an attempt to take a picture of macadamia... filbert ran in and gave us 'the look'):


WALLY (blackstar -- sexlinked, so definitely a hen, but we're just proud parents at this point so are sharing)

ALMOND -- no clear photo came out, but you can see part of her in the first photo. if you think she might be a roo, we can get a clearer picture.
the only one that looks like it to me from these pictures might be Wally, but since you know it's not then not her! Maybe a new set of pics would help w/ the others. ??? I have no clue w/ Americaunas I had one that we thought was a hen until it started crowing!
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Of the three common colors of brahma available in the US - dark, light and buff - only the dark roos feather out differently than the hens. If that was a dark brahma hen (pullet) it would have white penciling, not large areas of black and white.

This is a young dark brahma cockerel. The pullet behind him and to the right is a dark brahma pullet.


I'll have to go to our other computer to see if I can find better pics of my dark brahma girls when they were young.
Most definitely roo.

Here's a young, maybe 4 month old, dark brahma pullet- see the allover penciling?:


Here's another shot of Thor (dark brahma roo)when he was very young:

saddest news ever.

we're not allowed to have roos within city limits. and she's (he's) so adorable and friendly.

ugh. is there any way to keep a rooster from crowing? rooster muffler? soundproof box!? anything?

we're not going to be okay with getting rid of her, especially anywhere that might slaughter her/him. (still in denial)

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