Rooster collars? Do they work?

I have an OEG bantam that was part of a straight run bantam mix. He began crowing at 4 weeks. At first, I thought, “ok, he’s no louder than the neighbor’s maltese or the crows that hang out in the neighborhood—we’ll be fine!”
But he’s perfected his “Oh, My Darlin’!” crow and it’s louder…and more frequent, as he now knows it will bring me running to placate and distract him 🥴😬
I also have a sweet (submissive) silkie roo who hasn’t really crowed much yet, and right now, sounds like a dove or owl 😂
I’d like to try a collar on my OEG but he’s so small! 2 inches wide seems overkill. Anyone know about collars for small bantams?
And my neighbors are terrible! They moved in 2 years ago, knowing I had chickens and several dogs… they have reported me to the town for having “too many dogs” and apparently think i’m “dirty” for owning chickens…🙄
My yard needs to be mowed in the photo, but I keep my yard meticulously clean—for the health of my animals and so I can enjoy the yard, myself. It’s really frustrating that you can’t choose your neighbors…

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The collars aren't working. I tightened them but their crowing is still too loud
honestly they are useless and imo somewhat cruel because they stop natural behaviour.

An alternative I'm using atm because my neighbour complained, is a big cardboard box with some airholes cut out at the top and a roosting bar pushed through near the bottom (shavings in the base). I put my rooster in it just before I go to bed at night. The box is in the garage, but anywhere dark indoors will do. I then get him out at a sensible time in the morning (about 8am) and put him back with the flock.

He crows much later because it is dark and the sound is very muffled because of the box, the garage walls etc. Then lets rip when I get him out but that's fine if it's not waking people up.

He doesn't like it much but it's better than forcing him to wear a neck restricter I think.
My rooster only crows in the morning (6am-8am) after he is let out.. He doesn't crow in the coop so I'm not sure if it will work.
I'm fine with him crowing after 7:30 because its during the day when everyone is awake.. But no earlier
If you box him overnight then you can choose what time you let him out to crow. Or if it works for you, box him at 6am for a couple of hours.

Mine crows throughout the day as well, but that is not considered a nuisance really esp as neighbours all have dogs that bark all day.

It's the 4am sunrise wake up they object to!
Hold on, he doesn't crow at all in the coop? Then just let them all out later.

But if he is young, be prepared for that to change as he grows.
They are all different let me tell you!
The collars do work a little for some but ironically they usually do not work for the boys that really want to be heard!

I will second the box idea. It's good to see I'm not the only one.

I even had one cockerel who carried on crowing in the pitch black box, he even knew when it was 4 am (he liked to beat his siblings to it) to start every morning even in the dark - he didn't last long but that was astonishing to me considering all his brothers were happily sleeping.
I am lazy tbh so my cockerels get a light on a timer with food and water till I tend to them. They start crowing when I set the light to come on. (except the 4am dude, he knew what time it as regardless)

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