Rooster fight! HELP!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 29, 2011
O-HI-O ♥
My two silkie bantam roosters got in a fight, one was left dead and the other is in terrible condition. I am worried to death about him and i'm not sure if there is anything else I can do to help him besides what I am doing. He has deep punture wounds on his back, his comb is nearly ripped off , his eyes are closed with bubbly white secretions, and the tip of his beak is broken off and split up one side, not to mention the wound is infested with maggots. He wont eat but I have been giving him an antibiotic/electrolyte mix in a syringe. I have been flushing the wounds on his back with betadine, put some polysporin around his eyes, and picked out over 200 maggots with tweezers. I read somewhere to try to super glue his beak back together so he could eat, I tried and because of how its broken it just doesn't seem possible... His skin on his back smells horrible and is rotting. I am not sure what else to do and I DO NOT want to loose him, he is not just a chicken to me! Please help if there are ANY suggestions on what I can do to help him!
It was surely the other rooster, there is no place in the pen where anything had came in. AND I fed and watered the chickens Saturday morning before I went to work, I work doubles on Saturday so this was not discovered until Sunday afternoon. I am looking for advice on how to help the injured chicken, not on how to raise them. Thanks.
Put him down. It is cruel to leave him like that. Silkies do not usually fight like that and leave that type of damage to each other. I agree, it was something else and your little guys fought like heck to survive. Thats amazing...
I can't believe that silkies did that.
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Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. Are there any vets that see chickens near you? Bubbly eye secretions-he may have air in his chest cavity-outside his lungs that's communicating up his neck and face. Sounds like you are doing all you can. Keep him warm, quiet, and calm. Since he may have a problem with getting air in his lungs, you may need to see what position is best for him, for breathing. he may not tolerate all his weight on his chest.

Also, a bantam silkie did this?
I have game chickens which are prone when improperly cared to do something sort of like you describe. Treatment also involves prevention. Pictures needed for assessment of damage to enable treatment. If you do not wish to provide information needed to quality advice, then take bird to veterinarian. May still be prudent even with advice.
Wow! That sound horrible! Are you sure all this was caused by them fighting. It sounds more like a tazmanian devil got him(NOT said to be funny). I didnt think that a rooster fight could cause so many horible injuries. Did you see the fighting? I am so sorry that this is happening to you and your roosters. I dont think there is much else you can do. Just what you are doing, make sure you kep it clean and put medication on it. I had a drake get attacked by some neighbors dogs, luckly they where puppies and didnt know how to kill him. But they did put a huge hole in his back. Some of his skin did die and fall of but new healthy skin grew back. I hope this is the case with your rooster, they are more resilient than you think. They can make miraculous recoveries. As for his beak, I would try and glue it back together with super glue as you said you have tried, just glue it as best as you can. It will never look right again. I would do it now because it will hurt and you wont want him to heal and feel better just to start hurting again. I now it sound bad but it is better to put him in a little bit more pain now. Sending good healing thoughts and prayers to you and your roo.

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