My two silkie bantam roosters got in a fight, one was left dead and the other is in terrible condition. I am worried to death about him and i'm not sure if there is anything else I can do to help him besides what I am doing. He has deep punture wounds on his back, his comb is nearly ripped off , his eyes are closed with bubbly white secretions, and the tip of his beak is broken off and split up one side, not to mention the wound is infested with maggots. He wont eat but I have been giving him an antibiotic/electrolyte mix in a syringe. I have been flushing the wounds on his back with betadine, put some polysporin around his eyes, and picked out over 200 maggots with tweezers. I read somewhere to try to super glue his beak back together so he could eat, I tried and because of how its broken it just doesn't seem possible... His skin on his back smells horrible and is rotting. I am not sure what else to do and I DO NOT want to loose him, he is not just a chicken to me! Please help if there are ANY suggestions on what I can do to help him!