Rooster Flocks!

Awww, thats so sweet! I have two cuckoo maran hens and they are always together as well, they are the only black colored chickens of the flock too so i guess they feel kind of like the only different ones, but it is pretty cute. I love that little picture of Chipmunk under Lupin, I think about it almost every day!
This is the most interesting thread, I've learned more than I thought there ever was to know about roosters thanks for that guys. I've built a little rooster pen got things set for my little guys but I've hit an unexpected but nice snag. Folks are actually asking for my cockrels and not even to eat them but because they're nice boys. :) If it weren't for all this information I wouldn't have nice boys, y'all absolutely rock.
Thats great that your cockerels are good boys! I wish i could say the same for mine, he attacks everybody and everything that comes in his 'domain' but me.
Chipmunk (left) and Lupin (right) in the rooster pen.

Finny, Griffin, and Huckleberry on the roost together.
Huckleberry (right) and Finny (left), their tails look like that because they're molting.
Thats great that your cockerels are good boys! I wish i could say the same for mine, he attacks everybody and everything that comes in his 'domain' but me.
Got to admit I was worried about Cletus being like that but the only thing he attacks is food. He's starting to get his wango tango urges so nobody wants to hang out with him poor fella. He's soon to go to his own flock of girls, he's going to be too big for mine. Only four months and already much taller than the hens. I'm keeping the little Frenchman for my girls he's small enough for anyone to deal with. Watch now that I've said that he will grow into a frankenchicken.:)
RoostersAreAwesome, I love that you have one named Lupin! All of my silkies are named after Harry Potter characters except one. :D

I have Snape, Neville, Buckbeak, and Fang as roosters (or cockerels, since they are not old enough to be roosters yet, as I just learned!). Dumbledora, Harry, Dobby, although male in the books, are some of my silkie pullets. I named them before I knew their sexes. I also have Poppy, Tonks, McGonagall, Ginny, Hermione, and Luna for silkie pullets. And Kimberly, the sole one who is named not for a HP character, but for the friend who got me 7 more in February after I lost 4 to a predator.

Poor Sirius, Ron, and Peeves were killed by a hawk in January. I also lost Buffy (the one silkie at the time not named after a HP character, but after Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Buffy was my favorite silkie of all time. I was so upset to lose them all. I almost lost Poppy and Dumbledora, but Mom interrupted the hawk and chased him off. As near as we can figure out, the hawk divebombed the bird netting that was over the top of the run and broke through. So now all the runs are covered with chicken wire across the top. They only free range when I'm outside with them. We have a lot of predators in my area. Hawks, as mentioned, and coyotes and bobcats, too. A friend lost some of hers to a mink!
Predators can easily rip through chicken wire, hardware cloth they can't. It is a much better choice for the flock. While hawks may not be able to rip through it, a raccoon could, and weasels can slip through the holes in the chicken wire (yes, some species of weasels can slip through surprisingly tiny holes-less than two inches!). Not something you HAVE to do, just some advice. :)

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