Rooster Flocks!

If you can give them a separate pen, it should be more peaceful.

I've completely separated them away from the girls. They're in a converted stable now and I'm in the process of building them a run next to it. I built the ply box inside the stable but I don't think I'm going to need it. They crowed at the top of their lungs this morning and I didn't hear a thing until I went outside and visited them. They seem a bit depressed being away from the girls, but I'm sure they'll forget about it in a few days. They've managed to avoid the cutting block with the move, so a couple of days of moping is better than being dinner.

There's absolutely nothing special about them or their breed: they're a dime-a-dozen; but we hand raised them in our first flock, so it's nice to have some roo's getting along so well and watching their shenanigans. They love people and they're way more interesting than the girls!
Hi can anyone tell me the tallest rooster? I saw on the internet the world record was 26 inches?
The boys have dirt and sun to scratch around in now. No more guilt of having them in the stables. :)

Here's some pics of them in their new mansion. The bridge is 2.8 meters in length, and the pen is about 1.8x2.3m. The stable is 4x4m and the plybox inside is 1.5x1.5m. So they have plenty of space to spread out inside and out, with plenty of sun, shade, and shelter.

Dasher and Dancer are the two white ISA boys. Dasher is the alpha male on the bridge.

Prancer and Vixon are the two black Australorp X boys. Prancer has a speckled chest, and Vixon is contending for alpha male status with Dasher. Dasher and Vixon were the first to crow; Dasher being high-pitched and Vixon with his croaky Tom Waits-esque crow.


The boys have dirt and sun to scratch around in now. No more guilt of having them in the stables. :)

Here's some pics of them in their new mansion. The bridge is 2.8 meters in length, and the pen is about 1.8x2.3m. The stable is 4x4m and the plybox inside is 1.5x1.5m. So they have plenty of space to spread out inside and out, with plenty of sun, shade, and shelter.

Dasher and Dancer are the two white ISA boys. Dasher is the alpha male on the bridge.

Prancer and Vixon are the two black Australorp X boys. Prancer has a speckled chest, and Vixon is contending for alpha male status with Dasher. Dasher and Vixon were the first to crow; Dasher being high-pitched and Vixon with his croaky Tom Waits-esque crow.


So handsome!:loveI have always wanted a red sex link (isa brown) rooster. They're so pretty!
I noticed something new in my rooster flock today. One rooster, called Domino (he used to be a bully, until he was put in his place by alpha Griffin) has been bullied by my other roosters for about 2 weeks now. Today, I saw him with the other roosters as if he had been fully accepted. The other roosters aren't even bullying him anymore. :yesss:
So handsome!:loveI have always wanted a red sex link (isa brown) rooster. They're so pretty!

They're definitely more interesting to look at and watch than their pullet counterparts! These guys are super friendly too, so they really enjoy just hanging out with people.

Today, I saw him with the other roosters as if he had been fully accepted. The other roosters aren't even bullying him anymore. :yesss:

Glad to see Domino has been fully accepted and that Griffin was able to take back his alpha status.

Were your other roosters brought up together? How old were they when Domino was introduced and how old was Domino?
They're definitely more interesting to look at and watch than their pullet counterparts! These guys are super friendly too, so they really enjoy just hanging out with people.

Glad to see Domino has been fully accepted and that Griffin was able to take back his alpha status.

Were your other roosters brought up together? How old were they when Domino was introduced and how old was Domino?
Only two of my roosters were brought up together, but many of them were added when they were still young. Domino was introduced about 3 weeks ago and he was/is 6-7 months old (I don't know his exact age because I got him from someone else). It is usually better to introduce cockerels into your rooster flock when they're between 3-5 months old, though.
Ahh excellent. I'm not looking to add anymore, but if one did come up needing a rescue, now would be the time. My boys are June chicks, so only 4 months old.

Prancer is the chillest of them all. Allowing me to take his picture while perched on my forearm (it's also him in my avatar):


And Dancer is always the first to come running for treats:

How is everyone's rooster flocks going? My boys are coming on 10 months now and still mostly pretty cool. They've each gone through trying to be dominant over me since my last post in October (charging me, puffing up feathers etc), but a light slap to the top of the head has had them back off.

They don't seem to trust me like they used to though. They used to come running for treats, but only do now if they've run out of food. Also, they used to talk to me -- I'd walk up and say to them "hey boys, nice shorts!", and they'd get all chatty -- "bukka-bukka-buuuuk", but they seem to not like the banter anymore. Only Prancer (the largest of the group) seems to still like me; he's always been the most chilled out.

Other than that, no fighting between them, and no more aggression shown towards me.

Has anyone ever let their rooster flocks have conjugal visits with the girls? If so, how did that go? Any aggression towards the girls or each other? Any issues afterwards?
My boys are Not getting along at all
They r 5 months old and all brothers and still fight.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated

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