Rooster Getting Aggressive



Free Ranging
6 Years
Aug 30, 2017
Poplar Bluff, MO
My Coop
My Coop
Henry is 18 weeks old and has been trying to get with the girls a lot in the afternoon. He has started to peck at my shoes and sometimes tries to give me a chicken karate chop in the leg. When he pecks at my shoe and I lift my shoe up to stop him he gets real aggressive, neck feathers stick out and the chicken karate chops start. He still hops up on my legs but has an evil eye is this normal behavior at 18 weeks of age?

Henry is 18 weeks old and has been trying to get with the girls a lot in the afternoon. He has started to peck at my shoes and sometimes tries to give me a chicken karate chop in the leg. When he pecks at my shoe and I lift my shoe up to stop him he gets real aggressive, neck feathers stick out and the chicken karate chops start. He still hops up on my legs but has an evil eye is this normal behavior at 18 weeks of age?

it's best just to tell him "no" in those situations from what i can tell. also giving him a pet or hug to reassure helps too
If he is aggressive he has to go. Or you need to teach him a lesson! :rantUsually the aggressive roosters are the ones that learned that humans are not scary and can be dominated. ie, handled a lot as teenagers.
I don't think that petting and hugging and saying no will stop bad behavior.
That's normal teenage behavior especially in the late afternoon or early morning when the hormones are topping out. He's probably going to be pretty honery for a couple of months. :)
Henry is 18 weeks old and has been trying to get with the girls a lot in the afternoon. He has started to peck at my shoes and sometimes tries to give me a chicken karate chop in the leg. When he pecks at my shoe and I lift my shoe up to stop him he gets real aggressive, neck feathers stick out and the chicken karate chops start. He still hops up on my legs but has an evil eye is this normal behavior at 18 weeks of age?

Haha. We have a rooster named Henry too. Henry was mean the first year and then settled the second year. I think the testosterone is running high until he can get his hormones together. We have a total of 3 roosters. One of the other rooster will follow u and attack . Sometimes we have kick boxing matches. I have found it helps to pick up the rooster and tuck him under your arm and do whatever chores u do outside. U might not be able to get the rooster until he's up for the night. But grab him and hold him for a while. Hopefully he'll end up being a good rooster for u.
That's normal teenage behavior especially in the late afternoon or early morning when the hormones are topping out. He's probably going to be pretty horny for a couple of months. :)

Yea, I noticed it was at sunrise mostly and they have been up for 3 hours already. Afternoons is hop on hens time so he's busy with that and making sure he doesn't miss any treats. Not ready to change his name to Coq au vin yet.

He still hops up on my leg for treats, just have to watch him.

I was going to make him free range by himself today but he would not come out of the run by himself lol.


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