Rooster has respiratory issue


Aug 2, 2019
Last night I noticed my young silkie rooster making a raspy noise every time he exhales. At first I thought it was his crow coming in, but now he makes the noise almost every time he breaths. We checked his crop and there didn't seem to be a blockage there. He seems to be moving around and walking okay right now. We segregated him from the flock and brought him inside. We do not know if he is eating or drinking, so to be on the safe side, we are going to give him some water with a syringe.
He definitely has congested/gurgling breath sounds but the rest of the flock is ok. Any suggestions as to what this might be and what we should do?
Thank you
Have you looked inside his mouth and throat? Ears?

Often, a foreign body will obstruct the larynx. You might be able to fish it out. Also, look for any crusty lesions in the mouth that can obstruct the airway as well as the esophagus.
Some people post videos to YouTube with a link posted her of their sick chickens, so we can hear the noise they are making. Stridor can be a common noise, and it can be from a piece of feed, mucus, or swelling in the airway. Be careful syringing water, since they can aspirate or choke. I like to offer water up to the beak, and some use chick-size waterers elevated on a brick or board. You can also make a small amount of feed very watery, and add things like scrambled egg or tuna to get him eating. Look inside his eyes for any bubbles or drainage, or swelling around an eye. Here is a good link to read, and look for symptoms of mycoplasma gallisepticum or MG, infectious bronchitis, and coryza:

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