Rooster has white bumps on his comb and a runny nose

Jemma Rider

Nov 25, 2017
I just got back from vacation this year two nights ago, I've been getting caught up with my flock since, i spent the day observing them yesterday. Yesterday morning i noticed that Rooster had some crust around his nostrils, i wiped it off and looked him over and otherwise he was fine. This morning he has a bit of clear liquid around his nostrils but i wasn't super concerned since he was acting normal otherwise, until i noticed two white dots on his comb. I grabbed him and looked closer, the bumps are raised and appear solid, there are only two i looked him all over to find any more. I put a dab of green goo on the two in case it's some sort of infected fighting spot (though i think it's unlikely). My mind went straight to fowl pox, which is a terrifying thought since at the moment I'm integrating three ten week old chicks into my adult flock. if i remember correctly fowl pox is a virus so i just need to let it run its corse? I will get a picture later, there's no one available to help me and rooster is so big i need both hands to support him.
Rooster is eating and drinking well, he's out free ranging with the girls now and acting normal, he is going through his first adult molt as well, all of his tail feathers fell out so he looks absolutely pitiful. They are all currently on layers feed (dumor brand), though i was going to switch to growers since I'll be home for a few weeks and have time to observe their reactions and watch for any odd eggs.
I'm keeping a close eye on rooster and the girls but i don't see anything else that could be considered a symptom, at least not yet, I've just barely been home forty eight hours so i haven't had much time.
Thanks in advance:frow
It does sound like fowl pox to me. Can you post a photo? Yes, fowl pox is a virus that will run it’s course. Have the new pullets already been exposed? Supportive care (vitamins, electrolytes and probiotics in water) might help if they feel bad. The only thing to watch for that I am aware of is if it turns to wet pox (cheesy lesions in mouth and throat). My understanding is this is painful and can interfere with eating. The good news is that each individual bird should only have it for around 10-14 days. Good luck!
I went back out after writing this and grabbed Roo again, his face is a bit pale, it's not awful but it's definitely paler then usual. I don't know if this is relevant but the day i got back i found a five foot black snake in tye roof of my run, i relocated him deep into the woods and everything was fine but could he have passed something onto my birds? i find it slightly unlikely that it would've passed anything onto my birds but i don't know.
The top picture is of rooster today with his pale face and the bottom is an old picture of him with his normal color, the difference is small but concerning. This is really starting to worry me, this is why i hate vacation i leave home for two weeks and everything falls apart.
It does sound like fowl pox to me. Can you post a photo? Yes, fowl pox is a virus that will run it’s course. Have the new pullets already been exposed? Supportive care (vitamins, electrolytes and probiotics in water) might help if they feel bad. The only thing to watch for that I am aware of is if it turns to wet pox (cheesy lesions in mouth and throat). My understanding is this is painful and can interfere with eating. The good news is that each individual bird should only have it for around 10-14 days. Good luck!
Okay, i will get pictures soon, rooster won't hold still enough for me to get a clear picture of his comb so i need to wait for my mother to get home (her phone has a better camera then mine). I have electrolytes and probiotics on hand, Should i add it to the water now? I also have nutri drench, vetRx, and antibiotics if needed. Are there any specific kinds of vitamins i should get, i was going to head to the feed store later, brand names would be ideal.
yes the chicks have been out there for a few weeks, they are in a grow out coop inside of the big run and i let them out to run around in the big run every day or so, they've definitely been exposed. I'm about to go and check all of the hens as well, one of them got a small infection in her foot i was going to take out this week (bumblefoot), should i wait on that since her immune system might already be stressed or just get rid of it? It's small but i can tell it's painful for her so i was probably going to do that tomorrow.
Thank you! I will get pictures soon.
Well, I don’t want to come across as more of an expert that I actually am. If she were mine, I would probably treat the bumble foot sooner than later. You don’t even really know for sure if you had illness on your hands. Maybe something respiratory, I’m not sure. Yes, I would probably provide the vitamins and the water for a couple days.
Well, I don’t want to come across as more of an expert that I actually am. If she were mine, I would probably treat the bumble foot sooner than later. You don’t even really know for sure if you had illness on your hands. Maybe something respiratory, I’m not sure. Yes, I would probably provide the vitamins and the water for a couple days.
okay good i was going to treat it tomorrow or Wednesday. No the two white dots you circled aren't what I'm thinking of, that picture is from months ago it's the only one i could find that showed his usual color. The two dots are on the back of his comb and inside the little split he has, here's the best picture i could get, my camera is horrible so I'm sorry if the bumps aren't visible but they are there clear as day when i look at him, little ashy looking raised bumps.
Another possibility would be a fungal infection, though that is not as common as our parks, I think. I believe that would be easily treatable with a human antifungal cream.
How would i go about identifying that? And would it cause roosters face to get pale? I put electrolytes and some nutridrench in their water, i didn't have nearly enough probiotics so I'm going out later to get some more. Should i continue to let them free range or should i lock then up until this passes (if it is fowl pox).
should i worry about my chicks, they just turned ten weeks old today, i put electrolytes in their water too.

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