Rooster has white tumors at base of feathers.

Those are very obviously lice egg pods, your poultry expert needs to do a bit more studying!
I agree. That's lice. Red mites suck the blood of the chicken at night and don't live on them. Northern Fowl mites live on the chickens but not in pods. They live on the feathers and create a tell-tale red dust. But lice live in pods. The sevin is still the same treatment though.
The actual egg pods are resistant to the poultry dust. You need to either cut them off put them in a zip lock bag and throw them in your garbage can or put Petroleum Jelly on the egg pods for a couple of days. Petroleum Jelly cuts off the air supply to the developing lice and kills them. Hopefully my advice helps you Cochin.
In the spring I had repeat trouble with lice. Someone on here suggested this method. Boy it sure worked great!

I mixed 3 tablespoons of Tea Tree oil with 3 tablespoons of melted, coconut oil then added 1 cup of purified water and poured it all into a spray bottle. I sprayed all the existing lice egg pods until they were good and wet. The next day those pods were falling apart! In 5 days all lice pods were gone and I haven't had any lice trouble again. I only sprayed that one time.
I heard of a similar treatment but I thought tea tree oil wasn't safe for chickens for some reason. If it's OK to use I'm on it! I love that small amounts.
The oil is what makes the lice eggs slip off. Doesn't have to be tea tree oil. The oil makes it so that the eggs can't adhere to the shaft of the feather (hair on humans). Vegetable oil will work.

The odor of the tea tree might repel but doesn't kill the lice. I would find another essential oil that is scented if you want scent.

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