Rooster health issues

Dec 30, 2018
Hey folks. we noticed just about a week ago our rooster (none of our other 7 chickens) is getting black spots on his comb. he did have some trouble with frostbite (we used vaseline or polysporin once we started noticing it. he had some damage to the tip of his comb but it's starting to heal with all the nice warm weather. plenty of ventilation and sunlight. No one else has this, doesn't seem to bother him. full of vitality and vigor. runs all over, loves his ladies, very watchful etc. Any idea what it is or how to get rid of it? Clean water.

Other issue is he has a bulbous spot on his toe. no visible cuts, might be a twisted knuckle or something? other one is probably half this size.


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Spots on the comb look like scabs from pecking. Even hens will do this on occasion to a rooster, some observation will probably answer who is doing it. May even be happening on the roosts at night.
Is the toe bothering him at all? Hard to tell if it's an injury, old break, etc. Only other thought is early articular gout which can cause swelling in the feet and toe joints. If he is on a layer feed with the hens then the extra calcium can cause gout, roosters don't need the extra since they don't lay eggs. If you have them on a layer feed then you might consider switching to a flock raiser type feed and offering oystershell on the side for the hens that need it, they will take what they need. I feed flock raiser to my flock since I have roosters, and I find my hens do a bit better with the slightly higher protein in it also.
If the toe doesn't seem to be bothering him or affecting how he walks then I would just keep an eye on it for now to see if it gets worse. It could just be an old injury and he will just have a slightly odd toe.

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