We cut the abscess in front and dig down deep to get a hard boiled egg yolk like material, I assume abscess puss? We cleaned it out as best we could but it is still clinging to the inside of the hole. The hole broke open, scab fell off and now he’s fully exposed.

How do we get more of the egg yolk stuff out and/or what do we do now? We have been cleaning it with saline wash and iodine and packing ointment in it after it’s cleaned. I try to keep it opened/cleaned/full so no bugs get in.

Advice please? It’s massive, just under his eye and full of yellow dried/hard puss that we can’t remove off the inner walls
Just start at the bottom close to the beak, you should be not close to his eye also his might not be that deep.

We put more information down, can you help? The abscess has been cut and the scab fallen off leaving the sore open. We have removed solid, yellow, puss from inside the sore, but it’s clinging to the sides of the sore.

How can we loosen that puss and clean it out?

What do we do from here?
We have been keeping an eye on it, the wound is still open and we keep having to scrape the material out every so often. The swelling has gone Way down, we can see his eye again! We scrape it out and clean it with iodine and blue kote, then fill it with MediHoney (medical honey) recommended by a vet. The puss inside has hardened and stinks. We can’t find a debrider to remove it from the walls, so the MediHoney was recommended to keep moisture in and help the walls heal, so removing the puss would be easier. Tonight, during cleaning, we saw some blood...which is good, means that new tissue is growing in.

We have a long road, but we are feeling more positive about our boy. We did 1 more round (5 days) of penicillin as well.

Wish us luck!


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