
Jul 3, 2022
This rooster showed up last week and I'm concerned he has had a rough life up until this point from the way he looks and acts.
(We have neighbors who have a concerning number of roosters and old hens who are left to fend for themselves outside the coop)

He has long slender legs, thin body, massive wings, huge comb and wattle, and is missing a lot of tail feathers.. while the ones he has left are very damaged.
His spurs are about 1 inch long but have markings on them like someone sanded or ground them down.

If someone can ID his breed or their best guess I'd appreciate it! An age estimate would be helpful too😊


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He's probably a Leghorn cross or maybe a California white. He looks very healthy to me, apart from needing to grow some new tail feathers.
Thank you! Leghorn is what I ended up on but wasn't sure. There is no telling what he may be mixed with but he does look funny standing so tall on those stilts lol I'm used to seeing my fluffy hens
It looks like he's got a few black speckles and with the shaping of his tail feathers he actually looks like an ideal 236, my ideal was a little smaller than that and he had more yellow legs but then again the ideal isn't a purebred chicken, it's a mix between leg horn and other breeds to create a more disease protected bird
It looks like he's got a few black speckles and with the shaping of his tail feathers he actually looks like an ideal 236, my ideal was a little smaller than that and he had more yellow legs but then again the ideal isn't a purebred chicken, it's a mix between leg horn and other breeds to create a more disease protected bird
Oh I had no idea that even existed 😅 I'll have to see if he gets more spots or if that's dirt because tonight was the first night he got into the coop with my girls where I could get a close up look at him.
Thank you! Leghorn is what I ended up on but wasn't sure. There is no telling what he may be mixed with but he does look funny standing so tall on those stilts lol I'm used to seeing my fluffy hens
He definitely has a leaner, more stilty build than dual purpose breeds. I think he's handsome. The bright red comb and wattles are striking against his white plumage.
I think he may very well be an unnamed mix. With pink skin and red earlobes, he doesn't really look like many production hybrids. He isn't an Ideal 236. According to their website they "have clean, yellow legs and feet." The only mildly plausible breed would be a White Marans but his type is very off so the chances of that are slim...

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