Rooster Keeps Attacking me!

I'm new, I've only had 5 roosters. I lost two to foxes, as they tried to protect the hens. I've been improving my defenses, and adding electric fence, and fully enclosed runs. I'm ordering another rooster now, but I've never had one be aggressive. Generally it's the opposite. I hope I don't ever end up with an aggressive rooster. I wish I could let them run around again, my guests used to love to see them. They have always been very friendly. Hopefully when I have good barrier fencing I'll let them free. I miss having the flock running up and following me as I drive up the drive, and following me around as I do gardening.
I've had to cull a few roosters due to them becoming mean...but we have one that has been very gentle until this morning. He pecked at my leg, so I picked him up and held him while gathering the eggs so he couldn't do it again. The next time I came to give them more lettuce and strawberries from my garden, he watched me while pretending to eat a strawberry...I presume waiting for me to turn my back...I'm shocked because this one has been so gentle with all of us, including the kids! Has anyone had a rooster the entire life of the roo without him becoming mean at some point? I was hopeful that we had found one we could keep.
I have had my year old Ameraucana Rooster (Chandler) now for about 2 months. The lady I got him from never had any issues with him, and I hadn't either... until today. Chandler came at me feet first and attempted to wing beat the crap out of me. Luckily, I was wearing my muck boots and was in a corner of the coop, so when he lunged I kicked the snot out of him sending him backwards. He repeated this for about 3 minutes, every time I raised my arms to appear bigger and blocked/kicked him away. Thank God for rubber boots, I didn't feel a thing, except for an immense sense of anger and the thought of chicken noodle soup. In the end he gave up and I, like an idiot not knowing what else to do, pranced around with my imaginary wings flapping and crowing- literally. I know that I have made some mistakes with him as I am still learning 'chicken.' I am so happy to be able to read that although I am a wee bit crazy, I did the right thing in backing him down. I catch him on a regular basis (numerous times a week) and hold him while I wander about the coop. However, Chandler needs to learn very quickly that I rule WHOLE farmyard, and attacking me is going to end with him being beaten to a pulp. Just ask the dog who refused to heel and ended up being on the bottom of an on-all-fours pinning, staring, and growling match or the cow who liked to kick that got turned into hamburger- man were those delicious!
Has anyone had a rooster the entire life of the roo without him becoming mean at some point? I was hopeful that we had found one we could keep.

Late reply, but yes. My oldest Roos were a RIR named Red, and a BR named Sgt. Rock, who were the top and second Roos on my farm in TX for years. I had quite a few that were list to predators along the way, sold, or culled due to numbers, but those two lived into old age (Sgt Rock was my favorite, and it was sad to see him reach an age he could no longer hold off the younger Roos and ended up relegated to the outskirts of the pastures and yards, usually without the company of a hen. They never, ever attacked or challenged us, and neither did any of the others. But those are the only two that lived to old age.
Today the hens were in the barn, the rooster was out. I went into the open pen to check on some new Silkie's I have in the barn in a separate area and the Bar-rock rooster came to the gate and met me. I went in and he came at me. He really hurt me, put holes in my leg with his long spurs. I took a broom and went after him chased him. I hope that he stops his attacking me or that this is a once in a life time thing.
Late reply, but yes. My oldest Roos were a RIR named Red, and a BR named Sgt. Rock, who were the top and second Roos on my farm in TX for years. I had quite a few that were list to predators along the way, sold, or culled due to numbers, but those two lived into old age (Sgt Rock was my favorite, and it was sad to see him reach an age he could no longer hold off the younger Roos and ended up relegated to the outskirts of the pastures and yards, usually without the company of a hen. They never, ever attacked or challenged us, and neither did any of the others. But those are the only two that lived to old age.
What age is considered old age? Tough to get good info about roos because so many don’t live long enough to old age. That’s great yours did!
My 8 month old roo, named Jake has suddenly become aggressive as well, and it breaks my heart. :hmm He was one of my babies:jumpy from the incubator, and affectionately named after my student who housed him for a while. I'm realizing from the previous post, I'm doing it all wrong :( I've been trying to establish pecking order by (don't laugh) swatting him with a fly swatter when he came at me. Now I realize I've got to hold him and love him through this. :) :love
Million dollar question . . . can I build this pecking order through holding him, after I've presented myself to him as a threat?:confused:
Billion dollar question . . . anybody out there willing to catch him and hold him for me? LOL :D
My 8 month old roo, named Jake has suddenly become aggressive as well, and it breaks my heart. :hmm He was one of my babies:jumpy from the incubator, and affectionately named after my student who housed him for a while. I'm realizing from the previous post, I'm doing it all wrong :( I've been trying to establish pecking order by (don't laugh) swatting him with a fly swatter when he came at me. Now I realize I've got to hold him and love him through this. :) :love
Million dollar question . . . can I build this pecking order through holding him, after I've presented myself to him as a threat?:confused:
Billion dollar question . . . anybody out there willing to catch him and hold him for me? LOL :D
In my experience, holding them and "loving them" doesn't work. Here is a post by member Beekissed on how to manage roosters. (PS - your rooster is still technically a cockerel - and will be until he's a year old - and needs to be taught some manners ASAP)
Make him submissive! :) mine are more scared of me. The have never attacked me or be mean but either way this trick i found seems to work well if you wanna have roosters and feel comfortable around them an you. This makes them more calmish (well mine atleats) and easier to pick up.I have four wyndotte roos so big boys lol i do this with all of them. Simply pick the roo up with a firm enough grip so that he doesn't escape you but feels comfortable an calm at the same time and then walk around with him. Talk to him, pet his head, neck, ears etc at the same time. For about 5-10mins the first time. Next is while still holding him place him on the ground an make him sit down. You dont have to be to forceful just enough so you dont lose grip but If he tries to stand up simply pick him up off the ground. But while your making him sit there your goal is to be able to let go an he will stay sitting an let you pet him with no problems. So how do you do that? Its the same as walking arouIt with him. Talk to him an pet him. The more you do it the more submissive he will be towards you. But you have to do it constantly just like training a dog. My roosters have always been Scared of me since i got them. But i still want to be able to pick them up and they are more comfort and easies to get ahold of. This help me. Ive been doing it for about two months now. I feel that it works. All animals are different an personalities are too. This is my first time with chickens so i try an find any helpful tips an tricks as i can. So far this has worked real well for me. I hope this helps and good luck! Also treats can be added to this routine if it makes him more calm.
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