rooster losing neck feathers and sides of crown


5 Years
Sep 19, 2014
I have a 2 yr. old rooster who is losing his neck feathers and starting to lose them on the sides of his crown. His skin is very red also. All the hens appear to be fine. Its just the rooster. He is a great rooster and hope to cure him of what's going on. Hope someone can help me with this. I'm hoping to attach a few pictures . they have to be zoomed in, to see the problem. Please help
What is the white matter on his feathers? Are you treating him with something? Could he be molting? Have you checked him over completely for mites/lice, etc?
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He looks like he is molting. They usually start at the neck and then move down. Make sure you give him lots of protien. Eggs, oatmeal, mealworms and quinoa are all good foods to feed.

Good luck!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Mountain Peeps X2. Looks like molting. Definitely offer up more protein in his diet to help him get through his molt. Molting takes a couple to a few months from start to finish. He may seem a bit tired or not quite himself until it is all over.

Enjoy your lovely flock and welcome to ours!
Not treating him at all yet.
The white matter, I don't know what it far down does he molt?
This time of year is the right time they usually do this?
The white looks like new feather shafts to me, normal in a molt, but maybe I'm seeing it wrong. Some will have a light molt and just look a little scraggly, I have one girl who goes half bald and looks horrible! Depends on the bird.
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