Rooster not crowing.

Don't let the silkie do that to you, when it happens walk away. He's try to dominate you. That's the start of aggressive behavior.
I didn't know, he doesn't do it to his girlfriend or other chickens
These are some important behavioral patterns to remember when having roosters. And knowing what to do to prevent them from developing bad intentions to the flock owner. It's to keep you safe.
The first chicken is a young cockerel and the second is differently hen - I'm saying that possibly he is just not ready to crow - too young. Give him time and he will probably start crowing. Just be listening!!
I have 2 black australorps, Hen and Rooster. But the rooster doesn't crow, and doesn't mate. Not even serenades them
I rescued 2 Bantam Rooster cockerels around 5 years ago. They crowed constantly although not as loud as full-size breeds. They would even crow all night if there was a full moon. Last month, one of them died. Now the remaining rooster never crows. We miss hearing that delightful country sound every day. Is he in mourning?

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