Rooster or hen? Have sexually confused chicken?

Yes 18 eggs everyday all week long. I have dozens of eggs coming out my ears!I have no idea what I'm doing right or wrong to get everybody to lay except the one in question. How would I get the hormone imbalance fixed in the chicken?

Honestly, if I had to guess, I wouldn't say your hen has a hormone imbalance. If she does, it's a minor one, to the point where it's probably more of a genetic fluke than anything. In any case, more severe hormone imbalances are usually caused by an issue in the ovaries/oviduct like a tumor, so it's not generally something there is much to be done about. Occasionally it can be behaviorally influenced - in flocks lacking a cockbird, a certain hen takes over as the male in a pecking order sense of things, and her body goes through biological changes to reflect that. So, getting a cockbird COULD help, but I wouldn't count on it, especially since the signs she's showing are so minor.
Greeting from Kansas and
! It's great to have you aboard! Pretty birds you have there. Best wishes and thanks for joining BYC!
G’Day from down under SDuhachek

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18 eggs from 19 birds is very good and in no way indicative that one bird is not laying. Have you picked up the bird and checked it for signs of whether it is in or out of production (is the vent pale, tight, dry, crusty or large, moist, pink and wide in appearance; etc)?

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