Rooster or Hen?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
Brooklyn, NY
I have 3 chickens I have been raising from incubation. they are now two months old. Each is a different breed:
Buff Orpington
Blue Ameraucana
Rhode Island Red.

I can't tell if the Red or Blue are roosters. The Buff is very much a hen in behavior and look (docile and no comb).
The Red has a comb but it is not huge. The feathers are mostly red and the tail is still fairly short. The Blue Ameraucana has no comb, short tail and is generally mellow, though bigger than the other two chickens. The Red acts like a rooster though and that is my concern. Though no crowing, Red will flare out neck feathers and chase and flap wings the other chickens. Mostly Red goes after the Blue one ( I guess because it is bigger or is Blue also a roo?) I keep looking at their legs to see if any spurs are growing, but nothing. I really really want them all to be hens. Here are some photos.

I am not sure what you are basing it on, behavior or look. I have been looking at lots of Red Roosters and Hens and mine still looks like a hen.

And Here is a Rooster and a Hen:

I concur with the first comment. Red has awefully big wattles and comb for an 8 week old. Spurs usually come in much later I think.

I knew by about that age (8 weeks) that my ameraucana was a rooster by the size of his lower legs -- much bulkier than the legs of the ladies. He had a rose comb so he developed his comb much later than 8 weeks, and it wasn't an indicator.
ok Thanks. I am in denial I guess. I will compare the leg size today. Guess Red will be moving on to other pastures.
If they have long tale furthers it a rooster and If they stick up rooster hen com will start growing be for a rooster

If you put a pencil with they more it a rode the hen or roo if they peck it its a rooster if they don't do any thing it a hen:D:p;):)
Not sure I totally comprehend your reply Josh. The Red Chicken does not have tail feathers any longer than the others at this point. They don't stick up that much. "hen corn will start growing before a rooster" You mean Crown? If it Pecks at a pencil its a rooster if it doesn't it is a hen?? Is that what you mean?

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