Rooster or Hen?


5 Years
May 15, 2014
My Coop
My Coop

Hi! i'm new to chickens and went to my local feed and seed store and bought three 2 week old chicks a barred rock, a buff orpington and a brown sex link which i was told were female. Now they're 7 weeks old and I noticed my barred rock has different tail feathers than the other two,and is very protective of the other two and gets upset when separated from the other two. I'm hoping that she (or he) is not a roo because I have grown attached to all three and am not allowed to have a rooster where I live!
Thanks in advance!
This is my chicks when they were two weeks old (the brown one is 5 days old) this is "alice" at 7 weeks old.
:cd Hi! i'm new to chickens and went to my local feed and seed store and bought three 2 week old chicks a barred rock, a buff orpington and a brown sex link which i was told were female. Now they're 7 weeks old and I noticed my barred rock has different tail feathers than the other two,and is very protective of the other two and gets upset when separated from the other two. I'm hoping that she (or he) is not a roo because I have grown attached to all three and am not allowed to have a rooster where I live!:barnie Thanks in advance! This is my chicks when they were two weeks old (the brown one is 5 days old) this is "alice" at 7 weeks old.
It looks like a hen to me, its comb still looks yellow, my Marans are 7 wks and the cockerels have very large combs
looks like too young still to tell. the latest photo looks female to me, I am new to this too, and I have 1=2 roos one is trying to cockadoodle doo, but it breaks up when he tries.
I have noticed the tail is longer than the females, when the combs are larger take another photo and send in again.
happy chicken .
I didn't see the last 2 photos of the combs, my girl hens combs are big like that,,, I have red island red chickens, and bantams male/females. some I am still waiting to see for sure. this is my rooster.
Hi it's me again! Lately I've been having suspicions about my brown sex link she is around 19 weeks old and has been showing some rooster like behavior, first I saw her tail was different, her waddle and comb are bigger than my other chickens,and yesterday I saw her standing on top of her coop making a terrible noise that sounded like an attempt at crowing! Do hens have those pointed feathers around their neck? Is this a late blooming rooster? Thanks in advance!:D
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