Rooster or Hen?

Not the best pics for determining, but it appears that they are all females. The BSL is probably gearing up to lay.
It just seems strange because none of my other hens are doing these things! I'm probably just paranoid because these are my first chickens!
Thanks for your input
Just wondering are most BSL feathers around their neck pointed???

The neck feathers will only be actually pointed if the bird is a cockerel. Black Sex-Links often look like they have pointy neck feathers, but this is only the color pattern of the plumage. If you look closely at the feather, you'll see that it is actually blunted. The stripes in the neck feathers just make them look pointy.
The neck feathers will only be actually pointed if the bird is a cockerel. Black Sex-Links often look like they have pointy neck feathers, but this is only the color pattern of the plumage. If you look closely at the feather, you'll see that it is actually blunted. The stripes in the neck feathers just make them look pointy.
You have all pullets. The red one is just closer to laying, that's why the comb is larger and she's more vocal. Agree the feathers themselves aren't pointed, it's an optical illusion of the coloring.
Thankyou everybody so much! You can probably tell I'm new to the whole chicken thing and can't have a rooster
I will post pictures if I find any eggs!

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