rooster or not??


5 Years
Apr 19, 2015
so i thought i had three possible roosters but only one is doing his chant in the the day..etc...the other two nothing yet...the reasoning that i thought they were all roosters is because of the comb..i have three the same color ..same ? is there a breed that has a larger comb?..buff orvington..?.can anyone please post pics of their hens with combs...the one which has a comb that i know is a rooster is defiantly larger than the other three and more aggressive..the other two follow me around and are very friendly that why i am almost thing their hens which I'm praying!!!...any in site on how to deter min between the two or pictures would help greatly!!
It would be more helpful if you posted pics for us to see. It's not uncommon for only the dominant cockerel to crow and a lot of hens do have combs. I have BBS Orpingtons, and all my girls have combs and wattles, but much less than my cockerel. If you look at my avatar, you can see my splash pullet and cockerel posed next to each other.

ETA: Realized my avatar is kinda smallish, so here's the pic:

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I had a set of 5 RIR chicks and one turned out to be a rooster. Here are all of the signs I observed:

1) he developed slower than the others as a chick, thought he was a runt;
2) his comb/wattles were different starting at about 2 months old, just darker and more prominent
3) then, suddenly started growing bigger than the rest and was soon 20-30% larger (probably around 2-3 months this started)

Hope that helps! Here's a picture of the comb/face once I realized he was looking different at about 8 weeks old.

Here's a pic of them all together at about 7 mos old. As you can see, the rooster's comb (middle bird) is about 3x as big as the girls' (L and R). Only he crows of all of mine.

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thanks!!..i did post some pics but i believe it was in a different post but i appreciate all the help..i found out today that most likely mine are buff o's as well ..very hard to find out online i have found..will post more pics soon hopefully it will help someone down the road..becuse believe me i was confused coming into the whole chicken raising ..

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