rooster question..update


8 Years
Mar 11, 2011
south eastern, ID
I had a wierd thing happen with my roosters. I had 4 roosters..all of them got along fine. I got rid of two and the two remain seemed to be doing fine. now all of a sudden they are fighting. i have a barrock..not sure how old he is, but he was the domanet rooster. then i have a rhodeisland red who we got as a chick this spring. On sunday I noticed the barrock's foot was frozen ( i live in ID and it gets darn cold here) so i brang him in the house and keep him in all day to warm his up. ( his foot seems fine, other than now he will not get up on the roost. he will sit on the ground) I put him back out in the coop that night. I went out yesterday to find him with a somewhat bloody comb and in a nesting box. i made him get out and the other rooster comes tearing after him. this goes on all day. i can't figure it out. why are they switching roles now and how long will it take till they won't fight?? the poor barrock keeps hiding. (under the nesting boxes or in the box) what should i do??
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You should remove your barrock rooster to safe place. He is weak and cannot walk so other rooster will pick on him. Even though he was once top of the pecking order but he is not right now.The other rooster will challenge him when he is weak. Now he lost the challenge so other rooster will come and attack him. The best thing is put him in the cage or separate place and feed him well. When he can walk and strong enough you can put him back with other. Otherwise he will die or suffer a lot by other rooster.
Since you removed the one with the bad foot, the pecking order changed...even if it was for a few days. The other rooster is now dominant and will continue to hurt the other one to establish his dominance.
X 2 Because this is what chickens do. The pecking order is a fluid ever changing process where subordinates are looking for a chance to increase their spot. Once your dominant rooster was weakened the subordinate seized the opportunity. Unless you separate them it is very likely that the barred rock will never regain good health and may even be killed.
Maybe one of the two roos you re-homed was a peace keeper and now that he's gone you are seeing the now aggressive roos true could've took the remaining two a little while to realize they had to set new hierarchy......maybe
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Our CB Maran, who ruled with a spur of iron, was taken out of the main flock and put with some Maran hens whilst we tried for pure chicks. On their return the girls re-integrated with no problem but he was no longer top roo. He'd dropped to fourth in the order behind Light Sussex, Barred Rock and Buff Brahma roosters. He's got back to third in line but his removal cost him dear!
Crazy! I only took him out for the day! I brang him in like at 10:30am and took him back out at like 5 or 6pm. The other two roosters have been gone for a few months now, so they have adjusted to them being gone. I seperated the two the other night. I locked the red up and the barrock still hide in the nesting box (he even broke an egg...grrr). So i let them back together all day yesterday and also let them out to free range. Today i went out and he is still in the nesting box. I make him get out and the other rooster goes right after him and back in the box he goes. So i put the barrock in another room with food and water and put a wire screen up between so they can still see him. not sure what to do. I don't know if the barrock is weak from the foot and then the first attack or whither he is scared. If its the later of the two will he ever stop hiding in the box?
Well I went out this afternoon and the barrock wasn't doing good (he was dying), even though i seperated him......hubby had to put him down. Now i am think the other rooster knew he was old and weak and took advatage of that. who know for sure.
aw so sorry. We have to put down one of our roosters soon hes picking on our bantam roo

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