Rooster question

In my experience, they don't begin to get aggressive until they get older. A 5 week old chick is more like a 5 year old, and a 16 week old is more like a 16 year old. That's when the hormones start kicking in and they start getting aggressive. And then after a year or so they start to calm down a bit more and be more gentlemanly. So just be prepared for that as he gets older.
They crow at anytime they want so if you have neighbors close by, they may not like all the noise that make early in the morning. We live out in the country so we have several roosters, some free range with the flock, some are in their pens so they won't fight. We have roosters to get fertile eggs for hatching.
I've always had roosters in my flock! I don't make 'pets' of my cockerels, only handle them when necessary. Too much 'friendliness' often turns into disrespectful aggression later, not good. Walk 'through' them, not around, so the boys always watch and get out of your way. No bird gets near my face/ eyes, ever! Mary
I've had roosters who'd crow throughout the day. My current little guy crows fairly excessively first thing in the morning, but he's not very loud. He's just loud enough that you can hear him in the house, but not loud enough to be distracting and he certainly isn't going to wake me up. Temperament varies considerably from one bird to the next. Some are horrible some are great. You may want to consider getting one that's already mature. That way you can get an idea of it's personality before you bring it home. There are plenty of people who need to get rid of their roos for various reasons and some of them are wonderful. Maybe get your pullets, wait about 5 months and then start shopping around, looking for one that suits your wants/needs. On a side note, you may want to consider getting 2 easter eggers and 2 of something else. There's nothing wrong with having all easter eggers, but I find that my egg cartons look much more appealing when there is a variety of egg colors. I've had all easter eggers before and while the green eggs were cool, they look even better when you've got some contrasting eggs in there with them.
edit: Added a pic of my eggs as an example
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Our giant b-rock roo is my buddy. I can pick him up, carry him around like a parrot. He follows me around unless the ladies kick in his natural urges. But he's no whimp... He attacks all our other roos and shows dominance. Any animal you spend time with will listen to you and be a unconditional companion. Chickens are no exception. I have a 600# boar gentle as a teddy bear. Because quality time with him.
I have some chickens that I want to breed, but the ladies were with my mixed flock and I want to make sure they breed with the rooster I have them in with now so I get the same type. They are Giant Black Jersys I think. How long do I need to keep them with the Giant Jersey Black Rooster before I can be sure they won't lay mixed eggs? Meaning when I hatch them they will be the Giant Blacks and not a mixed breed. Does anyone know? Thank you for your help!
If your hens are with a rooster, they need to be away from him for three (LONG!) weeks before they are free of his sperm. You can run them with the JG rooster during that time, but don't save their eggs for hatching. Mary
No cons here. Put a 5 month old bantam Cochin cockerel out with the 3 and 4 month old pullets last summer in the middle of the day. The 2 groups of pullets had been battling for over a month and I was sick of it. He instantly started feeding them. Within 2 hours he rolled over the two bossiest girls. They were no longer aloud to fight with each other and to this day he guards them. Feeds them. Makes them line up at the feeder every morning... he's a real gent. But he has 11 hens.
Someone said hens dont seem to like the roosters attention ? I have seen my hens approach the roo and squat for him . If he walks away she will follow and squat again. I honestly dont remember if it was a hen that goes broody or not but I believe it was. On another note I have a turkey hen in there with the chicken flock and she squats for me everytime she sees me. I cant walk in there without tripping over her. LOL Poor girl.
I really appreciate all of the rooster comments. I have the following roosters from mixed-flock chicks (for meat) that I got 8 weeks ago: Lavender Orpington, Buff Orpington (many), Brown Leghorn, Speckled Sussex, Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte, and Ameraucana. Any thoughts on temperament? I would love to keep one. So far, the Buffs, Brown Leghorn, and Ameraucana are MUCH friendlier than the Lavender, BLRW, or the Sussex. The BL and Ameraucana hang out together and are absolutely gorgeous, even in their "teen" plumage. He would eventually oversee 14 mature layers and 6 pullets/hens his own age, once all are integrated.

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