Rooster shaking body vigorously


Apr 21, 2015
I just went out to my coop to let my free rangers out for the day. My flock's rooster was laying down in the coop shacking and moving to the door slowly. He opened his mouth wide when he got to me and his head is low and wings are low. When I went to catch him he trying to run away but fell down and didn't get back up. I picked him up and examined him for injuries. There isn't any, and no infestations. Just shaking and weak. I have him in my house in a cage to keep him warm from the elements.

Please help! What is this?
Could be a few things.

Mareks always comes to mind when a bird becomes lame or paralyzed. Mareks is caused by a virus is progressive in nature. It starts in a wing, a leg, in an organ or in the eyes, slowly paralyzing the bird. Generally attacks young birds, not the older ones. Sometimes you can see Mareks in the eyes. Look into his eyes. You are looking for out of round or oval pupils. (compare his eyes to another bird in your flock that seems well). Mareks is contagious.

He could have gotten into something toxic. This will cause paralysis. There are several good flushes here on BYC that can help to flush toxins and poisons out of the body...

Anything neurological will cause the bird to loose balance, fall or even walk backwards. A bump to the head or even some sort of brain swelling due to bacteria.

This could even be from a lack of vitamins and minerals. Especially the B vitamins, E and Selenium.

For now, definitely keep him inside and warm under a heat lamp. Keep the heat up around 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Sometimes birds go off their feed when they are sick. So feed him what EVER he will eat right now. Hard boiled eggs are good emergency feed for all birds. They contain all the building blocks of life including those I listed above that he might be lacking. Make sure he is drinking as well.

He may recuperate in a couple of days. You might also try one of these flushes too. If he continues to go down hill, you may have Mareks in your flock. Have you had them vacinated for Mareks?

Keep us posted and I do hope he makes a full recovery!! :)
Thank you for responding!!! He unfortunately is not vaccinated... he is about 6 months old (my favorite rooster). I put some oats down next to him and he eat a little bit but his appetite is definitely not like it used to be. He is just laying there under the heat lamp and shivering. He stood up a few times but will lay back down. Could this be an uncommon sing of dry fowl pox?
He seems to be drinking a lot of water, I gave him a little bit of pedyalite (I know a large amount is dangerous) so I only gave him a little bit. he drank it and then I gave him about two oz of water and he has almost finished that. I forced a few pieces of hard boiled egg in his mouth and he ate it. If I was to do a flush, is it kinda not worth doing anymore?
He has started to eat some of his oats now which is a big improvement from this morning as he wouldn't even drink. His stool is watery and there has been green and dark black chunks of stool in with the water some have just been a clear watery yellow/green color. He is still tired acting and still shivering... but is still alter.
This doesn't sound like worms or coccidiosis and since his eyes look good, probably not Mareks. There are bacterial meningitis's that cause brain swelling but these are rare.

He could have hit his head on something in the coop and he has some inflammation in his neck or spinal column somewhere. Even the brain.

If he were my bird, I would keep him inside for a few days, keep him very warm and feed him what ever he will eat for now. See if he doesn't clear up in a few days.

Good that he is starting to eat and perk up!! Keep us posted and I hope he recovers!! :)
Yea he has perked up a lot from this morning. He is up on his feet eating some oats and drinking water. He also had a few pecks at a boiled egg. His stool is liquid with a yellow/green color still. I went to switch him into a different crate and I went to catch him and he tried getting away with a few clucks. All of my others birds I have been watching today and all seem to be fine but time will tell. Thank you for the support!
Keep an eye on the green poop. Generally this is not a good sign. Green poop can come from many sources and is not all that easy to diagnose why it is green. I am dealing with a hen with green poop as well and I have yet to figure out just what is wrong with her.

Keep up all the lovin' on your boy and keep us posted! :)

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