Rooster spreading wings - what does he mean


9 Years
Jul 12, 2010
Mediterranean Sea
Ok maybe a silly question but i am just wondering and why not throw it here.

Why do you think a rooster spreads his wings?

My 8-10 month old rooster spreads his wings very often, it seems to me he does that to show he owns the yard silently in the "chicken world", maybe he means to say "everything is fine" or sometimes i think he means to say "something is going on" or even "hey hello human, respect" if that makes sense. But i am not sure.

There might be another reason that i dont understand, what do you think?
Usually animals fluff up, or spread wings, etc. to look bigger and badder. Mine does this when he sees me, like he's saying, "That's right I am the boss, now fear me." Or something equivalent in chicken world.
It's a threat display that says he is the boss, like the others said. My young roosters usually crow right after.
A threat that he's the boss of the yard or a sign of nervousness. He's uncomfortable in your presence.
My little cochin roo is so little it cracks me up every time I see him do that. He does it to show his dominance over the girls. But then they pecked off all the feathers on his feet so he's not the big shot he dreams himself to be. One day my australorp roo started doing that to me along doing his sidestep dance number to show me he's boss. Yah right!! Then he started doing it to my 9 yr old granddaughter who'd been around him since we brought the first chicks home. One day he jumped up and raked his claws down her legs. Didn't hurt her but scared her something awful. After we checked her legs I took her hand and we followed him all around the yard, standing as close as I could get until he lost his attitude. Don't know that it helped but it made US feel better. He scared her a couple more times, the last was when he followed her into the run when she was shutting a gate for me, and he flapped and jumped up and down and had her flattened against the fence screaming bloody murder. I swatted at him and finally kicked him and he came back at me. I launched him about 9 feet out of the run and that was it. I had a friend come get him before the girls (granddaughters) came over a few days later. He made a fine dinner I'm sure. I won't have an aggressive animal on my place. My husband says once they start to flog they won't stop. It's completely safe for my girlies to go out to the coop and run again.
"This is MY yard, and although you are bigger I'm starting to think that I can take you. Perhaps upon your next visit I'll try." If and when this behavior escalates, convince him immediately that you are the boss.
My Roo's spread their wings when mating with their hens. I can not get over how big they are. They cover the entire hen. They are so beautiful.
Rooster way of saying he is the best stud in the yard.
Then I go over pick him up and tell him how cuddly he is, pett his waddles, and pet his chest.
I have 5 young roos at the moment. When one gets cuddled they all steer clear as they don't want to be seen as cuddly in front of each other.
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