Rooster struck at husband, now me. What can I do?

Mine will observe where I am, but not actually stare. i don't stare at them either!
Continue to walk 'through' him, as though he isn't there. he needs to move out of your way, and not invade your space. Carry something, like a bucket or some object, and accidently bump him if he's not moving. You aren't moving fast, or 'attacking', just doing your thing out there, and he needs to move.
With horses, the individual who moves is subordinate. She who has pride of place is queen!
Yes, they like to stare.
I don't think it is ominous in any sort of way.
Here its because they've seen a shiny gray eyebrow hair or a freckle.
Seeing all of these roosters throwing some shade has me wondering if this would be considered the stank eye. He has been making more eye contact with me lately than an angry Michigan driver...normal for roosters?
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I had a very nasty Barred Rock rooster named Alabaster a few years back and he never grew out of being mean. He ended up having to live his life “behind bars”! He could not be trusted so he had his own pen right beside his ladies where they could see and talk to each other. I had it set up to where I could feed and water him from outside the coop. Only time I went in was to clean up after him and he would try to eat me! Lol! Such a naughty boy :barnie
Lol! He totally would.
Iv'e got to say though even with his early quirks he's grown into a really nice guy and he's actually helpful.
He watches chicks better than the hens and he's totally taken over making nests when I refresh the hay.
I haven't had to shape out a butt divot in ages.
He's only bitten me once, his cheek puffs touched his eyes when he was young so id smooth them down.
He gave me a little chomp one day during the process, and that was the day I knew his "puberty" started and my help wasn't wanted lol.:)
Don't we all!? The disturbing roo with the foot thing sounds like he'd go through a few hoops for a flip flop and a good pedicure

He sounds like a sweet boy!
Hello all just here to say Rudy wants to die lol. He’s so annoying, this morning he had to get a beating. I may have instigated but I was walking and he kept getting close and not moving away enough. So I stepped at him lol he got a few kicks and didn’t stop so he got picked up by his his tail, pecked on the head and carried. That’ll teach him for 3 days :rolleyes:. Even though I’m mad in the moment I feel a little guilty after.. I wish he’d just stop being an idiot.

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