Rooster survived fox attack but not well

I totally agree that a visit to his hens would do Chester a world of good. It would give him a psychological boost that he maybe could use.

I had a Brahma roo long ago named Penrod. He was super attentive to his hens until he got a serious leg injury and went into steep decline. He was all but done for, stopped eating, and I decided to end it. Before I did, I took him out and set him on the ground with his hens. He exploded into joy and excitement. He couldn't stand or walk, but he sure did try. I left him to his last reunion, and after a bit, brought him back inside to end his suffering.

That told me more than anything how much roosters love their hens.
As @slordaz said, sometimes company is the medicine they need. Some birds don't do as well in isolation away from the flock. If injury or too much activity is a risk then put him in his crate in the run where he can see them and they can see him. I will often do this with a bird that is ok being outside, just needs to be protected from the others, it can make a big difference in their will to live for some of them. He's a handsome guy, so glad he's doing better!
I was rudely awakened this morning by some lame ass crowing :gig

I took Chester out to his girls this morning. He starting chatting to them when he saw the pen ❤️ I think he is still sad about the attack, but he was happy to see them! Everything was quite civilised and he even tried to eat a bit from the feeder. I left him out with them today and will check when I get home and maybe give him some egg and water. Looks like he is on the mend! Thank you for all the advice.


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