Rooster with badly swollen foot

Can you post some photos of the bottom of his foot and the legs of your other chickens?
What else do you feed besides layer feed? Diluting the feed with to many treats can cause gout like symptoms.

If he has cuts on the foot, then he most likely has an infection. It's unusual for it to be on both feet, but depending on how he's housed, it's possible.

Soak the feet in epsom salts. Apply triple antibiotic ointment and place him on clean dry bedding. Depending on the degree of infection, he may need antibiotics. You can find poultry vitamins at your local feed store.

Look around your coop, run and yard - is there anything that your chickens can damage thier feet on?
Theres nothing else I feed them just layer feed and theres nothing in there run just bud. U mean with cut just one foot not not both? I dont think its gout I dont give them allot of treat if I do its healthy treats. And why u.want more pics? And I ask is muddy pen bad? I know other ppl might have muddy pens cause they eat all grass. There legs scals do rise up think they might have legs mits some so not all I do take good care of them. And one of my hens have swollon butt one time a vet did like time ago did do autopsy and said its just fat I only feed them twice a day and my friend feed her all the time and they dont get fat butt. I do have perches in run and boards no nails. And the cuts prombly came from fighting. Theres nothing underneath his foot I did clean it and soak it. I wont cut it open like some ppl did cause that must be pain full for them. He is in a rabbit hutch with shaveings and a board.
What u mean depend how he house? I think how he house cause his foot?? I take good care of them and I have lost some but not my falut and I have allot of woods he. And land.
Whats triple antibiotic ointment? And what vitinmens u said put in water?? For healthy treats I give them apple, watermellon, hard bread little tomatoes healthy stuff he is very yung was born last year cant take no more pics now its dark out
He dose have a sore spot on his foot

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Some of my other chickens have it too

He dose have sore spots

he dose have small wouns cuts on him

Can you have a vet look at him?

Both feet are swollen and they don't look too good. You mention that your other chickens have swollen feet too.
Since you seem to have several with similar symptoms, it could be related to what you feed them. If they are being kept where it's muddy and have small cuts on their feet, then it could be infection.

Go to your local feed store and ask for poultry vitamins. Triple antibiotic ointment is something like Neosporin.
Those fee
I told know any vet and my mom dont want me call a vet for my chickens and I fed my chickens same food for long time and never had this promblem I will ask someone else on to give me answers dont have time to answer allot of qutions sorry. And I do take good care of my chickens.sometimes they get sick or past away. What do u mean depend how I house them? There in a nice barn and I feed my chickens fine for years so cant be what I feed them cause he very yung and I did look at my other chickens feet there fine.they might have leg mites though I think thata what caused it
Hi need help ant answer allot of qutions please just give me the answer my rooster have swollen toes I did do allot of reaserch and bumblefoot can move to the other leg. What else can I do? Without doing a purseger on his foot like u guys have on here do u know how much pain the chicken is in when u cut his foot the scab. Thats horible when u cant give it pain meds. I wouldnt do that to my rooster

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