Rooster with blindness, thick yellow discharge from eyes, clicking when breathing


Jun 9, 2020
Help! Our beloved Polish bantam rooster, Dali, has become very sick this evening :( He was fine this morning, pecking and guarding his ladies in the yard and pasture as usual, but around 4 pm my husband found him in the pasture, standing but face-planted with his beak on the ground. He approached Dali to pick him up and look him over, and Dali jumped up and tried to run off but ran into a few things as if he couldn't see (which I now believe he could not). I was at work and couldn't look him over, but my husband didn't note that there was anything externally wrong besides lethargy and apparent trouble seeing.

By 7pm tonight, husband went to check on Dali and he has yellow pus coming from both eyes, eyes are swollen and completely white, no interest in food or water, and he has very labored breathing - he makes a loud clicking noise and takes heaving breaths. I noticed blood on the right side of his face as well, around his eye and on his wattle, but I can't tell where it's coming from. To note: his lobes, wattles and comb are still bright red - not pale or dark-black as I'd expect from an infection or illness.

We tried to gently clean up some of the pus with a wet paper towel, made him a ICU bed and have given him 10g per gallon of Amoxicillin Tylosin Paracetamol (Premoxil) powder to his water and tried to carefully dropper a few small bits into his beak (scared to give him pneumonia by trying too much!).

I'm not sure if he has a quickly-developed infection, was attacked, etc. Any advice would be very appreciated, we love him dearly and hate to see him suffering like he is. I'm worried he won't make it. I will try to get pics of his condition as soon as I can and upload them here.
Help! Our beloved Polish bantam rooster, Dali, has become very sick this evening :( He was fine this morning, pecking and guarding his ladies in the yard and pasture as usual, but around 4 pm my husband found him in the pasture, standing but face-planted with his beak on the ground. He approached Dali to pick him up and look him over, and Dali jumped up and tried to run off but ran into a few things as if he couldn't see (which I now believe he could not). I was at work and couldn't look him over, but my husband didn't note that there was anything externally wrong besides lethargy and apparent trouble seeing.

By 7pm tonight, husband went to check on Dali and he has yellow pus coming from both eyes, eyes are swollen and completely white, no interest in food or water, and he has very labored breathing - he makes a loud clicking noise and takes heaving breaths. I noticed blood on the right side of his face as well, around his eye and on his wattle, but I can't tell where it's coming from. To note: his lobes, wattles and comb are still bright red - not pale or dark-black as I'd expect from an infection or illness.

We tried to gently clean up some of the pus with a wet paper towel, made him a ICU bed and have given him 10g per gallon of Amoxicillin Tylosin Paracetamol (Premoxil) powder to his water and tried to carefully dropper a few small bits into his beak (scared to give him pneumonia by trying too much!).

I'm not sure if he has a quickly-developed infection, was attacked, etc. Any advice would be very appreciated, we love him dearly and hate to see him suffering like he is. I'm worried he won't make it. I will try to get pics of his condition as soon as I can and upload them here.
Sorry about your rooster! @azygous @Eggcessive can you help!
Photos may be helpful.

Could he have been attacked by something?

I would try flushing the eyes with saline and removing the pus from the eyes.

Any lesions or blood inside the beak?

When you can, work on getting the medication into him. Below is a good way to get liquid meds into a bird.

Such a sudden onset of symptoms, going from zero to seventy in six seconds , so to speak, indicates possible toxic poisoning. Can you think of anything such as poison mushrooms or vole or gopher bait he may have encountered?

Other than what you are doing and what @Wyorp Rock has suggested, I can't think of anything more than what you're already doing. But I fear the poor little guy is doomed not to make it through this.
Thank you so much for the great advice! We managed to find a vet on the other side of town that sees birds and got him in for an appointment, he is hopefully on the road to recovery with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory meds and saline flushes. He appears to have an infection in both eyes and pneumonia.

He still looks a wreck, but he’s much more energetic and gives us an earful for squirting water up his nose and meds down his throat twice a day 😂 Fingers crossed for a full recovery!

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