Rooster with eye pecked out?

Thanks! One of my biggest worries is infection. He's a healthy bird, however, so he will probably pull through.

Greetings Poetastic,

You are right to worry about infection. The same thing happened to one of my roosters. The eye did get infected, then, a secondary infection set into his respiratory system. I hear about eyes healing on their own, all the time on BYC. And I suppose anything can heal, but I also know things can also go bad, very quickly.

I don't leave anything to chance. I clean wounds, and apply antibiotic till healed.

A chicken can live with one eye, but first, it has to survive infection. And given the environment that chickens live in, the odds are on the side of bacteria.

These are my thoughts on your rooster's eye; I hope they are helpful.

God Bless :)
Greetings Poetastic,

You are right to worry about infection. The same thing happened to one of my roosters. The eye did get infected, then, a secondary infection set into his respiratory system. I hear about eyes healing on their own, all the time on BYC. And I suppose anything can heal, but I also know things can also go bad, very quickly.

I don't leave anything to chance. I clean wounds, and apply antibiotic till healed.

A chicken can live with one eye, but first, it has to survive infection. And given the environment that chickens live in, the odds are on the side of bacteria.

These are my thoughts on your rooster's eye; I hope they are helpful.

God Bless :)
Thank you for the advice and kind words. Sorry to hear about your rooster.
Here are the pictures I got. The top is of when I attempted to open the eye a bit. He wouldn't let me do it for long and struggled. It seemed to cause him quite a lot of pain. The second picture is of the eye being closed. It still looks a little swollen. Do you guys think it's a peck wound or an infection? Also, will he ever be able to see out of that eye again?
Eyes swell shut for a reason, I personally wouldn't be prying it open. If the eye is intact it will be healing under the protection of the swelling. If it's gone it still will heal. I would still leave him be, but it's your decision on how to proceed.
Greetings Poetastic,

It seems your rooster has been pecked many times on, and about his face and comb. Poor guy, he's been getting it from the other roosters, pretty bad.

It is both a peck wound, and is most likely infected. Bacteria are introduced into the soft tissue of the eye when it is pierced by a beak.

If the eye is infected, he may survive without any attention. But, he will not see out of that eye again. If the injury was to the corner of the eye, and he receives a proper antibiotic eye ointment, like a triple antibiotic or Terramycin (purchase at a feed/farm store). Then, the infection will clear and he will see again. This is what happened for my rooster. He regained his vision, and healed from his respiratory infection. But, it took two weeks of eye ointment twice a day, and intramuscular injection of enrofloxacin, once a day.

Eye infections are one of the more difficult parts of the body to heal, because of the environment that chickens live in. So, you must be consistent with the antibiotic treatment. And if one antibiotic ointment shows no improvement after three days, you will have to switch to another formulation.

You'll have to open the eye, and apply a line of antibiotic eye ointment along the lower lid. When the rooster closes his eye, the ointment will slide over the eye ball evenly. Do this twice daily. If the eye is still intact, you will see it, as he starts to open his eye.

If he heals from this, you can't put him back with the other roosters. They will most likely kill him or run him off. Especially if he is away from them for more than 2 days.

Of course it's your decision as to what you will do for your boy, I am merely giving you an option. I always choose to treat and help heal all my animals.

Roosters are a challenge to keep. But, it's good to see them healthy and strutting around the property.

Again these are my thoughts and experience with eye injury in roosters.

God Bless and peace to you. :)
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My rooster Ricky is blind in one eye and lives a normal chicken life. He lives with 2 other roosters, previously including a Polish rooster that is now dead but was very snotty and full of testosterone.
Never knew what caused his blind eye, I think he came with the injury, he was from a home where the other roosters where bullying him badly. It is all clouded over and healed nicely, looks like a cataract.
Greetings Poetastic,

It seems your rooster has been pecked many times on, and about his face and comb. Poor guy, he's been getting it from the other roosters, pretty bad.

It is both a peck wound, and is most likely infected. Bacteria are introduced into the soft tissue of the eye when it is pierced by a beak.

If the eye is infected, he may survive without any attention. But, he will not see out of that eye again. If the injury was to the corner of the eye, and he receives a proper antibiotic eye ointment, like a triple antibiotic or Terramycin (purchase at a feed/farm store). Then, the infection will clear and he will see again. This is what happened for my rooster. He regained his vision, and healed from his respiratory infection. But, it took two weeks of eye ointment twice a day, and intramuscular injection of enrofloxacin, once a day.

Eye infections are one of the more difficult parts of the body to heal, because of the environment that chickens live in. So, you must be consistent with the antibiotic treatment. And if one antibiotic ointment shows no improvement after three days, you will have to switch to another formulation.

You'll have to open the eye, and apply a line of antibiotic eye ointment along the lower lid. When the rooster closes his eye, the ointment will slide over the eye ball evenly. Do this twice daily. If the eye is still intact, you will see it, as he starts to open his eye.

If he heals from this, you can't put him back with the other roosters. They will most likely kill him or run him off. Especially if he is away from them for more than 2 days.

Of course it's your decision as to what you will do for your boy, I am merely giving you an option. I always choose to treat and help heal all my animals.

Roosters are a challenge to keep. But, it's good to see them healthy and strutting around the property.

Again these are my thoughts and experience with eye injury in roosters.

God Bless and peace to you. :)
Thank you so much!
If you're sure the eye is gone just let him be, if it was still in there keeping the lid moist with Neosporin or petroleum jelly so it wouldn't heal shut would be advised. But if its gone he'll heal up and be just fine. :)
I have a similar situation and we have to keep re-opening the better of the 2 eyes. I think she might have Coryza?

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