Rooster with multiple sores on face

I have baytril and tylan. And because of this little guy I have no problem giving IM injections. I'll have to see what type tylan is. He seems to have multiple issues going on now though. I'm likely just monitoring for quality of life and going from there. Baytril is pretty non invasive. If it works, i'll be ecstatic. I have my doubts though as he was on it when this first started. None of my birds have ever had MG. Can it just pop up on a bird if he's immune compromised?

Sigh. He ate a good dinner tonight at least. Sleeping soundly now on his bird bed on the couch.
I put the rival rooster in my closet for the day and let Derpy (the phoenix) have a full day with all the girls. He had a wonderful day. And when he came inside he ate three dinner portions (his regular feed wetted with water and a spot of nutridrench). He's preened and is now sleeping on "his" chair.

No idea what to expect. His face is still awful and eating dry feed obviously bothers him for some reason. I'm really pulling for his immune system to kick in any time now.

I've got acidified copper sulfate ready to go after consulting the vet tomorrow.

Ok, he's back on Baytril. 15mg/kg/12hr dosage. 3-7 days then reassess. I also have Amikacin to inject every few days if he looks poorly.

Started Baytril last night. No eye foaming today. His attitude is back up. Was commanding two flocks of girls between rest spots, foraging and bathing/preening.

Tomorrow is the last day of treating the water with copper sulfate. Had a few girls with stinky heads it cleared up. No change noticed on Derpy.

This little kid is a fighter.
I brought his girlfriend in to be with him. These two are a bonded pair. She's 3 times his weight and tries to hide under his tail. It's adorable.

His face swelling is bad. Vet said he needs to see recovery of the tissue and a stable healthy period before doing surgery to remove the pus.

Birds. Why did I have to get birds??

Bad news. The scab came off yesterday. There's a hole to his sinus, no tissue development and lots of pus.

Just watching him for quality of life now. Unless it scabs over again he can't go back outside. The vet willing to euthanize during the holiday if needed.

He's free ranging inside the house with his giant faverolles girlfriend. He can eat and preen and crow and his comb is red. So it's not his time just yet.

But yeah. The end will come soon for little Derpy. I'm ugly crying.


I agree, doesn't look good. Have you done and culture and sensitivity testing yet? There was a thread a few months back that had a chicken with a similar problem. That they cultured and found several bacteria and a nasty fungus. @Texas Kiki, what was that thread called?

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