Rooster with swollen feet


Jan 16, 2019
I go to a horse farm every Thursday with a friend to ride horses be with them and care for them. The lady who owns the farm also has a flock of chickens. She doesn’t really know anything about them it really upsets me. She never ever cleans the coops and they are piled up with poo. Also she never goes near them unless throwing scratch in their coop, yes scratch not feed! Also a guinea hen lives with them. The rooster I love him! Is a big Rhode Island Red roo who has swollen feet! What can I do to help him and his flock. Also the chickens are really shy one time I tried to pick a hen up and the lady who owns the farm said stop chasing them (I wasn’t) they won’t lay egg!!!:barnie
There can be several causes for swollen feet, such as gout, mycoplasma synovitis, or bumblefoot infection. Pictures can help to tell which. Mycoplasma is contagious to your flock, so I would avoid contact with the chickens and rooster, since you can carry the disease home. Since the owner does not like people messing with her chickens, I would just leave them alone. You can mention to her about the swollen feet being a disease, but she doesn’t sound like she takes very good care of them anyway.

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