

Dec 5, 2020
I got 7 new chickens to introduce to my flock of 5 on April 24th. I know my Lavender Orpington is a rooster, but I was wondering if my Brahma was as heel. She/he has always had feminine features but now they have the long feathers around their head and their tail went up sooo. I have pictures attached, their name is Hagrid or Haggie


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100% roo.
Can you keep him?
Funny he is not acting male at this age.

yes we can, we have two roosters in that batch, but they both get along amazing, especially since our Brahma acts like the “mother hen” of the group it’s not a problem at all. I just notice how much he had changed since literally last week. I hold all of them quite frequently and Give them lots of pets, and those two have always liked to be held together, so maybe they knew?😂
I'm so glad!
Me too! Our original group has a rooster as well, and he went after our lavender Orpington during introductions so I’m going to have to keep the two flocks separated, but I’m so thankful these two boys from this group get along so well, they are cuddle buddies. Plus with the Brahmas sweet nature I don’t think he will try to be the Alpha, he has his what I now presume is his girlfriend which is Bellatrix the polish crested and they always run around together but he doesn’t try to “claim” any of the other girls.
I got 7 new chickens to introduce to my flock of 5 on April 24th. I know my Lavender Orpington is a rooster, but I was wondering if my Brahma was as heel. She/he has always had feminine features but now they have the long feathers around their head and their tail went up sooo. I have pictures attached, their name is Hagrid or Haggie

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