
Nice Roo

You should keep him - he might come in handy
You should keep him - he might come in handy

We're just worried about the noise that he'll make - Our coop is next to our neighbor's bedroom. And I have no clue about fertile/hatching eggs. We have 7 pullets and 8 hens so I'm not sure if we'll have enough room for little chicks.
No need to worry about what to feed him, he will do just fine with the layer pellets
And as long as you collect the eggs you won't have to worry about baby chicks. As far as eating the eggs you will not notice any difference with fertile vs. Unfertilized eggs.
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Lol, he IS handsome! The Ziggy Stardust of roos!

As far as other signs, I think everyone's covered 'em... although I think he's pretty obviously a dude

Wow! He must really be handsome from everyone's comments - I thought I was the only one who thought that.
Now it'll be harder to get rid of him since he's famous and his new name is BOWIE!
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Okay! He's a rooster! I was walking towards the coop this weekend and he let out a little "cock-a-doodle-doo"! I have to admit that it was pretty cute. It wasn't loud at all but I'm sure we'll be able to hear it more and more as he grows. Seems like we'll be keeping him for now. We were thinking of offering our closest neighbor some eggs - Maybe that'll keep him happy? He hasn't complained, but we have 15 chickens.... I mean, 14 chickens and a rooster and we're only supposed to have 6 chickens.
BTW, we found our first egg from the youngest chicks and they're only 18 weeks old! I was estimating that our first egg from them wouldn't be until the end of summer.

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