Roosters dying


16 Years
May 15, 2008
Hello All;
Something strange is happening here. I am losing roosters. All the same breed. D'uccles. Young birds. Last year's and the year before. I have other breeds of chickens as well and they are fine. The first 2 I lost were during a very cold spell so I kind of understand but now I have lost at least half a dozen. I have never had anything like this happen before. I have had chickens for several years.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Nothing is new or different. we have found them dead in the coop in the mornings or still alive but listless and lethargic and then they die. My daughter brought one in the house today that was fading fast. Tried to warm him up but he didn't make it. It has been a whole lot colder here in Tennessee than what it is now. Everyone gets closed up at night. They all huddle together to keep warm. I
they might be dying from hypothermia. do you have a sheltered place in your coop? you can use a heat lamp for better warmth or i even heard that if you leave their waste in there, it can provide heat! fascinating!! about it being only one breed, they might not be built for the cold so i recommend those solutions. also whole corn is awesome during winter! it gives them the calories and other good stuff they need and yes they can swallow them just fine but the need grit! keep me posted

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