Roosters forming strong bonds?


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
My Coop
My Coop
My roosters really seem to love each other, they cuddle at night and and both will fight for each other. When my duck was getting bossy both roosters would would defend each other not that it made much of a diff they still lost.

I never seen this before is it common? Could they be gay?

These roosters are not even related! And they are OEGB which are suppose to be a fighting breed.

They did not even grow up together, i introduced one rooster when it was a tiny baby last year.
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lol i too have seen this happen. not in my flock but at a farm i had boarded my horses at. it was so strange. i guess if the conditions are right
Oh most definitely!

I have two gay roosters. They actually try to mate with each other, so they aren't just pals. lol. *please, nobody take that offensively* They're also my meanest birds... we call them the Gay Attack Roosters.

I had two lemon blue Modern Game roos, brothers. I just sold one and the other has since been acting very anxious and depressed. I realized it's cause he misses his brother. I told him he'll be happy in a month when he meets the ladies.

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