Roosters or no?


7 Years
Oct 9, 2012
We received 6 "hens" but now at least one, but possibly as many as 3 are CROWING (in the morning for the most part).
Also, they're fighting...having toe to toe stand offs with necks BULGED! Some are significantly larger than others too but
they're only about 5 months old and I see NO signs of spurs. We believe they are Golden Salmon Ardenners and they're
QUITE stunning, but we won't be able to keep one roo, never mind two or more as our neighbors are VERY close by.
Also, we've only got a total of 9 "hens" so the poor ladies would be worn out if I'm understanding proper rooster to hen ratio.
Any thoughts
If they are crowing, then they are roosters. At 5 months old, you should be able to easily determine males from females. Roosters have long skinny pointy feathers around their necks and down both sides of their bodies near the base of the tail.


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