So pretty! Sorry for the loss of your Barbie and ken! Always hurts to lose loved birds!
That first picture, is that a second spur?!? Or what’s up with his toes?! It’s kinda cool looking!
Yeah he’s got a bunch of toes and stuff going on lol. He gets string caught in them all the time though so it’s sort of a hassle. I’m not sure what breed or breeds of chicken he is. I got him as an adult. My neighbor had multiple roosters and one was fighting with him so I brought him home. He’s not much bigger than my hens so I just assume he is some sort of bantam cross.
This is Napoleon. As of March 26, he is two, and he’s a columbian rock. My very brave hawk fighting boy. I love him absolutely to pieces. :love
This is my new baby Goliath in pic one he is my absolute favorite out of all chickens! He is a Brahma about 6 mths old he hasn’t started crowing yet so I’m excited to watch him grow and spoil him! Pic 2 is my first baby he is the only egg I hatched from two of my very own chickens, he was made from a white silkie named Pearl and a brown, white, black mixed color cochin named hank. He is now about 1 1/2 yrs old and he is so little but he thinks he is king of the hill!
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This is Griffin, a rescued faverolle mix roo. Though he used to be aggressive to people, and is not a fan of being caught, he is an excellent head roo in my rooster flock. He never picks on other roosters, and will sometimes even resolve conflicts. He is also great with hens, always watchful for danger. But, because I only have two hens, he would often rip out the feathers on their head, so I placed a smaller rooster in with them and put Griffin into my rooster flock.
He is so unique looking and very handsome!

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