
our first rooster - Weber - was aggressive. He spurred my leg. In case you haven't had the experience, it HURTS! Felt like someone whacked my leg with a stick. Drew blood. I [and anyone else] had to watch him every second I was in the yard. Oh, he'd leave me alone for a day or 2 after he tried anything, because I would chase him etc. if he gave any aggressive sign to me. Had to gently kick him more than once. Anyway, a friend had an extra rooster, that was raised with a LOT of human interaction, and he was destined to go to freezer camp. So we traded. Fred is a bit younger, about twice the size of Weber, but as far as interacting with us, he's pretty much the same as the hens. It's so nice to go outside and not have to bring a stick or broom with you for defense.

Weber was moved into a pen at his new home. He and Gus [their rooster - who is even bigger than Fred] antagonized each other through the fence for 3 hours! Weber was a psycho! He also escaped a few times, and, well, he is now an ex-rooster.

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