
So what will happen if she has 4 roosters? Will there be major problems, or learn to figure it all out among themselves? This is the reason I haven't let my eggs hatch... I needed an answer first. Now that my lab died, the chickens have the yard to themselves... So there is room for more birds.
I have about twelve roosters right now. Six are free-ranged, four or five are to young to free-range but will when they are older, and two are still babies. They all get along fine, but do fight often. A few months ago, our biggest roo, Big Boy, was depressed. Whenever any of the other Roos saw him, they would run after him and beat him up, and he would go hide. But now, they do fine. Some roosters don't get along very well, and some do fine together.

Hope this helps.
Eddy the Rooster an Americana

Oreo the Rooster a cochin bared rock mix!

if raised together they should be fine as long as there are no hens between them. i have a bachelor pen with 5 roos in it they get along just fine because there are no ladies with them if there were ladies with them i would have a blood bath.

if your roosters are fighting often then they are not getting along just fine. if they got along you wouldn't have but a few skirmishes here and there not often. chickengirl47 sounds like you need to separate (or sale some) your roos and get them all their own pens as what you just described is not healthy for them. if you see that you have "depressed" (one that is being beating up on and chased at every moment) that is your biggest cue that you need to re-home some roosters, as this behavior can actually kill them slowly.
How old can a Rooster get and still be able to get the job done. as in fertilize the hens eggs. My guy is getting on 3ish years old. Do I need to replace him or is he still good to go????
I'd like to know how young a rooster is before he can fertilize eggs. I have Seabright bantees that are about 7 months old. I put 18 eggs in the incubator 8 days ago. We incubated 8 eggs from normal size chickens and they hatched fine, but these look like they might have blood rings around all of them. I believe my Seabrights are old enough to fertilize (from their actions they're totally ready), but believe there's something wrong will all of the eggs, they just look different from the ones before. I've been reading on exploding eggs and blood rings and must say, its really got me concerned, even tho I smell nothing. Any ideas or suggestions? by the way, I have 2 (a golden and a silver) seabright roosters and 5 seabright hens (4 golden and 1 silver), and am getting 3 to 4 eggs a day.

I also have 2 rocks from the ones I incubated. One definitely looks like a rooster, one looks like a hen. I noticed my hen was getting pretty aggressive with my bantees and had to separate them, then noticed my hen was growing...not the rooster. Looking at the posted pictures of the rocks, my "female" could very well be a rooster. Unfortunately, I will have to get rid of them before they hurt my others.
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my guy is turning 4 tomorrow and I got some eggs that hatched.I ended up with 2 more roosters

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