Roosts: size, flat, round, square...

Oz Chook

13 Years
Nov 11, 2007
Western Australia
What is the ideal (if there is one!) size wood for a roost? And is flat or round better?

I have 8 chickens, all different breeds, smallest is a Cochin, largest is a Rhode Island. Do they wrap their feet around it or sit on it? Hope that didn't sound daft!

I live in Perth Western Australia, so we don't get snow, but it does get quite cold in Winter at night.

It's time to revamp their house! So apologies in advance, you might be hearing from me a bit!
Our property is heavily wooded so we just use branches. I'm assuming they feel natural to the chickens & they are FREE!

I think the books say 1" round for chicks & banties and 2" for full size.
i've found that mine like 2x4's on the flat side best as their roosts... but they like big round branches in their run, too.

i've heard around here somewhere that chickens don't grip well with their rear toe, so they aren't great balancers - for that reason they may prefer the flat side. and in winter, with the flat side down, when roosting they're able to cover their whole feet and keeping them nice and toasty.

Thanks heaps! At least I've got somewhere to start. With them all being such different sizes and all wanting to sleep together, it's like trying to buy a waterbed for beauty queen married to a sumo wrestler!
Yep, flat side of the 2x4. A friend of mine in Australia suggested that for my birds
I used to have closet rods for them to roost on, but now that I switched to 2x4s, they ALL roost on them. (I think it's unanimous!)

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