

Mar 20, 2015
Should I be worried that only 2 of my 4 chickens will roost?? The other 2 (hen and roo) stay sitting on the floor of the coop. (coop is 6'L x 3'W x 3'D) I have two roosting bars 1x4" with, I thought good spacing between them. When I place them on the roosts they all fit with lots of room.
We went through this exact thing. We ended up lowering our roosts a bit and replacing one of the larger pieces of 2x4's with a natural branch that is about 2" in diameter. We thought the roundness would be more comfortable on their feet. Also, we added another piece of branch going up to the roosts to help the ones who weren't jumping up on their own. It still took some time, but one by one more started roosting. I think it's pretty common for them to have some trouble in the beginning. Hope this helps.
Should I be worried that only 2 of my 4 chickens will roost?? The other 2 (hen and roo) stay sitting on the floor of the coop. (coop is 6'L x 3'W x 3'D) I have two roosting bars 1x4" with, I thought good spacing between them. When I place them on the roosts they all fit with lots of room.
How old are birds?
Pic of roosts?

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