Rosecomb Thread

Such beautiful birds! I'm getting my first Rosecombs this weekend; a rooster and three hens, all Splash. It's not a recognized colour, I know, but I find the splashes to be so unique! Will definitely have to post pictures when I get them home.
I hope to get pictures tommorrow, and get them posted. MY avatar is a 4 month old pullet in july that won the whole show. It was so hot, could not get her to show, all she wanted to do was pant!
Got my Rosecombs, and boy are they lovely. Not sure if they're show worthy, but even if they were, our next show is APA sanctioned, so I can't show them anyway. Will post up pictures soon. I think they were worth every penny I spent on them.
Got my Rosecombs, and boy are they lovely. Not sure if they're show worthy, but even if they were, our next show is APA sanctioned, so I can't show them anyway. Will post up pictures soon. I think they were worth every penny I spent on them.

Why can't you show at an APA sanctioned show? are your Rosecomb breeding projects coming along...especially the Columbian?
Would you post pictures of the Birchen and the Columbian?
They are coming along well, the F1 Birchens are maturing well, and should start to lay in the next month. The columbians will be a bit behind as I lost my only male from that mating so I have to start over on getting one again. It is hard when you only get a few out the year and only male put a real pinch on things then to loose him was very costly, but the females will still have a purpose this year and will wait for thier new man next year.

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