Rosters Fighting

How many hens do you have? And just 2 roosters, or more? Are they in coop all day, or do they have a run, or free range?
I have a bunch of chickens and a bunch of roosters. The rule of thumb that I was taught is 1 rooster to 10 hens unless they are in breeder coops. That being said, I had 17 roosters hatch out of my last batch (21 total hatch
) My roosters fight some, but only for a second when I let them out to free range, or feed them. If they are constantly fighting, drawing blood, or causing injury to each other (or others), you may have to rehome the weaker rooster. Or you could put one in a crate for now and try to reset the pecking order.
Good deal. I have a question about your avatar. Does the chick in your avatar have wry neck?
She did that when she was little she did it when she was looking at you and when she drank now she is bigger and now she only does it when she drinks. I named her sunshine because she would look at the heat lamp and sometimes at the sun. But i don't know why she does it.
That's crazy. Maybe she is double jointed!!! LOL! Never seen anything like that. Just looked like wry neck. Glad it's not

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