Rotating a picture won't work!!


8 Years
Jun 18, 2011
Oklahoma City area
My Coop
My Coop
I'm getting very annoyed now and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Sigh. I'm trying to upload a picture that has a vertical format. I rotated it on my desktop before uploading and when it is uploaded into my albums-- BYC rotates it again for me so that it is horizontal and WRONG. SO then I figured if it was going to rotate my picture to the left, then I went back to my desktop and rotated my picture 90 degrees to the right so that when it uploaded and tried to rotate it on BYC, it would be right. No dice, then it just uploads as is. Of COURSE. So then, I tried again with the picture rotated to the way it should be and BYC uploaded it and rotated on it's own again so that it's WRONG. I've uploaded this picture many different ways hoping to get it right and it's all wrong! I'm sooooo annoyed I don't know what else I can do??! Why doesn't BYC have a rotate tool in the Edit pictures section!??! Or is there one... and I'm totally missing it?
On my windows-- I can right click on the image and it brings up Paint. I rotate it then and Save. Then I try to upload and no matter what I do, it will not upload the way I saved it. It continues to rotate it. If this forum is getting a rotating tool, it cant be soon enough! LOL
After rotating: Save As: (rename the file - example - A1 instead of A). Then try uploading renamed rotated shot.
Did you ever find a resolution for this? It's doing it to my photos also, anything that is taller than it is wide is rotated 90 degrees to the left when it's uploaded.
OK, I know this is an old thread... I have the same issue so I'm hoping someone has figured out why the upload does this sometimes.

The photo is rotated sideways when I upload it to the website. However, it's not that way on my computer so it makes no sense that it's doing that.

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