Rotten Egg


12 Years
Nov 5, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
I have a 7 year old Emu Yoyo, I raised from the time it was a chick. I was assuming was a male since it had never laid an egg.
Last night Yoyo was lethargic and not eating food. I shut Yoyo in the barn last night in a stall with a heat lamp. I got up this morning at 5am to check on Yo before I have to be at work. Yoyo was up but still acting lethargic and not taking food. I was in the process of getting Yo comfortable before heading out and looked down at something strange that Yo had just expelled. It was a soft, flat, not fully formed egg. It smells rotten.
I have a neighbor checking on her while I am at work. But I need to know if there is anything I can do for her. I am absolutely positive she has never laid an egg before. I have searched the pasture every year for them. I am wondering if there is something in her "plumbing" that is not functioning correctly. Any suggestions, help would be appreciated.
I wonder if it was a lash egg or salpingitis?

Did you happen to take a picture of it or dissect it? :sick

Hoping all is well! :fl
Thanks! I will look into to those things you mentioned. I almost took a picture and didn't have time to dissect it before leaving for work.
I have a neighbor checking on her while I am here. She said she still acts like she is uncomfortable but she let Yoyo out to walk around the pasture til I get home. She said there was another small white glob in the stall with her that she set aside for me to check later.

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