Rouen Duck thread

Its been years since I used a pool. Now mine make their way to the pond we have. This does cause predator issues but its more natural. When I did use a pool it was dirty daily about 1 hour after I filled it. After 2 weeks I waited awhile to change it, ducks didn't seem to care. Any vegetation or bugs that make their way into the water the ducks will enjoy. If your worried about a clean pool for looks good luck, that's near impossible w/o it being confined w/o any type of soil in the pen. Even then they will probably find a way to get it dirty, its what they do.

I think I waited until there was about an inch of mud or debris on the bottom of the pool, floating debris I just skimmed off, before changing water.
I also use a small kiddie pool for my two ducks. I change mine every 2-3 days. I bucket the water out and use it to water my sunflowers.
Are my ducks Rouens or Mallards? I bought them from TSC and they were labeled Rouen, so that's what I thought they were until today. I was watching them this evening and they just took off flying!:eek: I mean like 15 - 20 feet high for a few hundred feet. They circled around and came back, their landing was not pretty. A nosedive with a roll. They are 10 - 11 weeks old. The last thing I want is for them to fly away! Can I clip their wings, and if so is it to early to do it? Other than the flying it doesn't matter to me which they are.
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Are my ducks Rouens or Mallards? I bought them from TSC and they were labeled Rouen, so that's what I thought they were until today. I was watching them this evening and they just took off flying!:eek: I mean like 15 - 20 feet high for a few hundred feet. They circled around and came back, their landing was not pretty. A nosedive with a roll. They are 10 - 11 weeks old. The last thing I want is for them to fly away! Can I clip their wings, and if so is it to early to do it? Other than the flying it doesn't matter to me which they are.
They are pretty! How old are they? I am wondering if mine are rouen or mallard as well so I am no help! Haha!
 Fingers crossed but won't hold my breath. My main focus this year is production chickens. Eggs and birds are going to be where I make any $$ or at least break even. Egg sales now are making a few $ a week on top of feed cost. But they also feeding broilers and chicks so when CX are processed will increase profits. Will try all the eggs in the bator now under they pop, ok maybe not that long, but giving them their time in the sun (Or artificial sauna.) It works great if not, well I knew it was a gamble anyway.

So glad it worked out 5 , I'm really happy for you one are due in a week or 2
Are my ducks Rouens or Mallards? I bought them from TSC and they were labeled Rouen, so that's what I thought they were until today. I was watching them this evening and they just took off flying!:eek: I mean like 15 - 20 feet high for a few hundred feet. They circled around and came back, their landing was not pretty. A nosedive with a roll. They are 10 - 11 weeks old. The last thing I want is for them to fly away! Can I clip their wings, and if so is it to early to do it? Other than the flying it doesn't matter to me which they are.

How old and heavy are they? And when you got them as ducklings did they have one or two stripe by the eye? Two striped would be Rouen. Also, Rouen are quite a bit bigger than mallards. If they are around 2-3 months old you should also be able to tell by weight. Rouen are 6-10# while mallards are only 2-3#.

Yes, you can cut their wings for they don't take off. Instructions can be found online or from experienced breeders how to do that.
So glad it worked out 5 , I'm really happy for you one are due in a week or 2

Guess I wasn't done. Have 6 in brooder now and 1 that had to be assisted (I try not to, but had too) went to clean out bator and got chirped at. Hope it makes it. Didn't remove all the membrane because I didn't want to expose yolk sac if its not absorbed. Have done that a few times and never had good heal with it. Still have over a dozen eggs in coolerbator due in next couple weeks. Might end up with a pond full of Rouens this summer.

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