Rouen Duck thread

After lost my drake I was about to just give up on ducks except the duck that layed these eggs. But saved 2 weeks+ after drake got killed and batorred them. These eggs I think were layed prior to the predator. Will continue with hopes I'll have a few more babies. Bad issue is that parents were full siblings. I need to introduce new blood next generation. I only hatched these as both parents, and 4 siblings were taken last fall. Maybe come fall or even this summer I will find a drake like I was able to last year. He was young but close to maturity when I got him. Maybe the county fair will have a nice 1, the 4H kids usually sell them after judging. I keep an eye on CL farm and garden daily.
Distance and breed preclude me. I want to keep my Rouen ducks pure as I am able. Chickens I mix for experiments, Ducks are a novelty to us but have always had at least 1 with my chickens. Pekin and Rouen are what I have had and enjoyed both breeds. They are normally only birds that get named (Cuss word names don't count ) with our birds. Oh forgot had Black scovies 1 year but they were extremely unfriendly and decided to "move" to neighbors pond/small lake. A week later they were gone, I figure pack of coyotes got them. They went from pen, to roosting on garage to our pond then to neighbors. Don't think I got more than 5 eggs from 5 females and 1 drake the 3 months we had them.
How old and heavy are they? And when you got them as ducklings did they have one or two stripe by the eye? Two striped would be Rouen. Also, Rouen are quite a bit bigger than mallards. If they are around 2-3 months old you should also be able to tell by weight. Rouen are 6-10# while mallards are only 2-3#.

Yes, you can cut their wings for they don't take off. Instructions can be found online or from experienced breeders how to do that.

They are almost 11 weeks old. When they were babies they had two stripes but they bottom one was broken. I'm going to try and pick them up to see how heavy they are. I'm guessing maybe around the 2-3#. Here is a baby pic.
I have rouens and pekins and was wondering if my broody hen that needs to eat unmedicated feed for two weeks before going to laying pen again could be housed safely with the ducks she was on medicated feed i didnt know if the ducks ate her poop if it would poison them anyone kbow if this is safe just for two weeks
Are my ducks Rouens or Mallards? I bought them from TSC and they were labeled Rouen, so that's what I thought they were until today. I was watching them this evening and they just took off flying!:eek: I mean like 15 - 20 feet high for a few hundred feet. They circled around and came back, their landing was not pretty. A nosedive with a roll. They are 10 - 11 weeks old. The last thing I want is for them to fly away! Can I clip their wings, and if so is it to early to do it? Other than the flying it doesn't matter to me which they are.

How old and heavy are they? And when you got them as ducklings did they have one or two stripe by the eye? Two striped would be Rouen. Also, Rouen are quite a bit bigger than mallards. If they are around 2-3 months old you should also be able to tell by weight. Rouen are 6-10# while mallards are only 2-3#.

Yes, you can cut their wings for they don't take off. Instructions can be found online or from experienced breeders how to do that.

I think mallards have to be marked by breeder with a toe punch or pinned is what I read on Dec site
If you want to permanently stop them from flying they are too old to clib the tip of the wing off

But you can surgeically remove the tip it just cost some money but they'lll never fly again
 Distance and breed preclude me. I want to keep my Rouen ducks pure as I am able. Chickens I mix for experiments, Ducks are a novelty to us but have always had at least 1 with my chickens. Pekin and Rouen are what I have had and enjoyed both breeds. They are normally only birds that get named (Cuss word names don't count ) with our birds. Oh forgot had Black scovies 1 year but they were extremely unfriendly and decided to "move" to neighbors pond/small lake. A week later they were gone, I figure pack of coyotes got them. They went from pen, to roosting on garage to our pond then to neighbors. Don't think I got more than 5 eggs from 5 females and 1 drake the 3 months we had them.

Not sure where you live but I got one Rouen male too many, and he is a VERY active one year old.

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